Example sentences of "[vb past] out [art] " in BNC.

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1 They showed that each class normally appeared first in a very generalized form , from which radiated out a number of lines of development each leading towards a specialized modification of the class for a particular way of life .
2 These had been her favourites when she was little but had not of ten been allowed because the sauce oozed out the sides and made a mess of your clothes .
3 The second is that Waqar and Wasim have not , as one might first assume , hollowed out the ball , coconut-style , with the aid of a Black and Decker drill .
4 That windowless cell was where Shanks and his managerial descendants thrashed out every topic .
5 But the popes of this Council , Julius II and Leo X , bore out the fears of the conciliarists .
6 From a liberal perspective , the subsequent history of the regime established in October bore out the ruthless , doctrinaire and fundamentally undemocratic nature of the Bolshevik party .
7 It bore out the warnings received from MI6 .
8 The weight of opinion and evidence bore out the view that " Britain has one of the fairest , most effective and most socially accountable forms of cost containment of any country " ( Barr et al.
9 In his office an anxious Herr Nordern gouged out a few marks from unenthusiastic colleagues for a wreath for Steinmark 's funeral .
10 Lorton pulled the paint-scraper along the window-sill ; the blade bit too deeply , and he gouged out a sliver of wood .
11 Laying these aside quietly , they then prised up the thin lead sheathing from round the edges of the glass and gouged out the putty holding the pane in place .
12 Maurice snatched out a pile and loaded them on to the reeling Edward .
13 Irritated , she snatched out the earpiece and let the set dangle round her neck .
14 He paused after each question , stared over our heads , then jerked out the next as if reading from a cueboard behind us .
15 Frank drew out a heavy copy of the Douay Bible and held it up .
16 He drew out a sturdy transparent plastic inner bag and held it up to the light to show me the contents .
17 He stood , and with a great sweep of his hand , bowed , said ‘ servus ’ , and drew out a chair for his lady guest .
18 She turned away , fumbled in her skirts and drew out a gleaming coin .
19 He drew out a monstrous iron calliper .
20 Bryce opened a drawer , laughed , and drew out a skimpy pair of silk knickers .
21 Cuthbert drew out a damp stick on which were two pale blue , phosphorescent toadstools with delicate gill clefts , glowing like the harsh strip lights in a modern kitchen .
22 Sandison drew out a handkerchief , mopped his brow and then positioned the hat carefully on his head , very slightly tilted over his right eye .
23 From a chest of drawers in his bedroom he drew out a clean , well-ironed white shirt and a dark blue regimental tie .
24 Napoleone Lomellini drew out a paper .
25 The boy fumbled in the pocket of his shirt , and drew out a couple of crumpled notes .
26 He paused while Manville opened the folder and drew out a typed list of names .
27 From it , Kirov drew out a slim sheaf of black and white photographs of the young pilot , and a single sheet of personal notes which he had compiled from their conversations .
28 Putting his hand inside his dirty bomber jacket , he drew out a long , thick kitchen knife and put it on the dashboard .
29 He drew out a pack of five cigars and tossed them towards Moss .
30 ‘ The thug drew out a gun .
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