Example sentences of "[vb past] get in " in BNC.

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1 There were alternative scenarios : the killer , an outsider , was still with his victim when Gerald tried to get in but , by the time the woman arrived , he had left .
2 Alex Trocchi tried to get in free , through the padlocked back door .
3 She tried to get in , then smashed the driver 's window with a knife and was seen stabbing towards Mr Lockwood , who was trying to defend himself , said Mr Stevenson .
4 Fabia tried to get in , though before she could add — because there was n't any interview — Cara was cutting in .
5 As she got a taxi three other women tried to get in as well and a row ensued .
6 He reckoned he 'd a right to nice things the same as this bad company he 'd got in with .
7 ‘ I 'd got in amongst the sharks , filming them in a feeding frenzy . ’
8 He 'd got in with the punks and seen immediately what they were doing , what a renaissance this was in music .
9 He bumped into some people waiting to join the queue for the seats in the reception area ( ha ; he 'd got in just before the rush ! ) , and went out through the doors back to the street and the bright sunlight .
10 Of course , if she had been going to get there in time for the beginning , she should have rushed back straight away , out upset at such times was the very worst thing for her mother and it would upset her to think that Peony wanted to go out immediately she 'd got in .
11 Well we never heard the name shop steward in those days I do n't think they went that far , there was somebody in charge sort of thing but erm they er got the na the name afterwards I think you know shop steward , but er and then they used to be Miss used to have the garden fetes the garden parties on her lawn , that was for the Liberal Party you see as soon Labour was mentioned there were only Tories and Liberals at that time and er we used to , when there was an election er we used to wait up for the results and then if the Liberals got in Squires ' big bell would be rung if it was twelve o'clock at night or one o'clock in the morning the Squires ' big bell would be rung you see , to say who 'd got in , if the Tories got in it was n't rung because it was a , Squires were Liberals , strong Liberals and er they used to attend the Liberal Club at Shortheath but erm there used to be some fun in those er what 's the name parade if the Liberals got in and dances you know to raise money for the various things , and the garden fetes used to be lovely but er on their lawn .
12 And if Labour 'd got in they 'd of er , your dad said he 'd er probably got a rise
13 long , very nice , very posh , erm I do n't know what me dad 's is like , er me mum was laughing er yesterday erm with er doing all this work she 'd done a load of washing and pegged it all out and when she 'd got in from work dad had ironed it all
14 so we started called her lip , but that happened before I got there so , as I got there it just like , as I joined got in with the regulars it started to peter out a bit , but I got fooled with a couple of times I thought they were taking the piss , alright Lynn how you doing , you know , still .
15 ‘ If you paid to get in tonight you do n't know the right people , ’ he snaps , in a litany of barbed missiles that sting hardened fans and industry leeches alike .
16 ‘ They lied to get in , ’ I say .
17 It was then that Nigger decided to get in on the act , and launched himself the length of the hallway .
18 ‘ Mr Gajdusek … ’ she promptly decided to get in with another of her interview questions , though she made the mistake of looking at him , and his raised-eyebrow glance at her stopped her .
19 on Tuesday I went get in till nine o'clock !
20 Well organised folks can book a permit to camp up to a year in advance , but we managed to get in despite having no permit when we arrived .
21 Yep , we managed to get in alright , pretty decent seats as well , even though it meant missing out on a few pints and getting there at 1o'clock .
22 He had jumped down to open the carriage door for her and Charlotte and the child made to get in .
23 Palin failed to get in and went to Oxford instead .
24 When he failed to get in to Merchant Taylors , Iain was sent off to boarding school in Bishop 's Stortford .
25 They removed electrical fuses from outside the flat in Hollywell where Mrs Davison and daughter Jody , 12 months , now live , but failed to get in .
26 And never in my wildest dream did we imagine that Labour would get in with the resounding majority that they did get in .
27 She went out his wife , shopping left him tinkering with this scooter came back , could n't get in then she did get in and he was dead on the floor !
28 They had got in through a cellar window at the back and made their way up to a small office on the third landing where , according to Cyril , the sole employee had been there man and boy until he became fossilized and had to be removed feet first from his station .
29 He was filmed on the security video as he was turned away after his friends had got in .
30 He got dealers to track down an enthusiast in Essex who had got in ahead of him , and made the supergenerous offer for the supercar .
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