Example sentences of "[vb past] we the " in BNC.

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1 But a few years ago , when they promised us the summer heat would last for months , she had it cut short .
2 Even though it cost us the life of a very good agent . ’
3 entire market price even though it cost us the business at this point in time .
4 One incident that has stuck with me was when he played us the Queen of the Night 's aria from The Magic Flute , telling us that it was notoriously difficult for singers as the top note reached ‘ F in alt ’ .
5 ‘ I used to play there as a boy , and people told us the tunnels went all the way to Cuchulain 's castle .
6 He told us the story of the lapuna tree , the mother of the forest .
7 Chris told us the story or how the man and the woman fed from this tree and , when they were away , to get at the food others chopped it down and the trunk became the Amazon , the branches its tributaries .
8 ‘ They told us the Ukrainian single would have gone to number one and we told them we did not want to be number one .
9 Our Mosquito squadron had gone out to bomb one of the usual targets in western France and when they began to come back , the first crew to come into the Met Office told us the news ,
10 ‘ After a few minutes an embarrassed train driver told us the man who should have unlocked the gate had not turned up . ’
11 But his agent , Mr Tony Gordon , told us the visit was n't off — it had just been postponed .
12 The champagne corks popped but then the reporter told us the house had been repossessed .
13 FOOTNOTE : If it 's any comfort to Mel , his medic told us the toes of windscreen pirates get crushed at the rate of ONE A WEEK on the busy A4 London to Bath road .
14 Someone claiming to be in the know told us the other day that the reason DEC president Robert Palmer never showed up at that mammoth Unix strategy briefing session the company put the press and analyst corp through back in February was that he saw the rehearsals and did n't want to be associated with it .
15 Former technical direct Dr Nigel Mykura told us the immediate cause of his February 1991 resignation was a transfer of £350,000 from AMS1s bank account to another MacDonald company , which Mykura believed would make it impossible for AMS to continue its research .
16 That you have a map of an island ; that there 's crosses on the map to show where treasure is ; and that the island is — ’ Then he told us the exact place .
17 He told us the rules of the game , just as I 've described them to you .
18 Jack recently told us the plot of a 1951 Jane Wyman movie called The Blue Veil and we both broke down sobbing at the same point of the story and sobbed for minutes .
19 Because the market for meals is in competitive equilibrium we saw that the marginal cost curve for films also told us the marginal value of the meals being sacrificed to make the last film .
20 I , I knew , I , I knew that it was because the , that the taxi cabs had insisted , but now told us the reason .
21 Diggs came and told us the day he broke out . ’
22 Sport , erm , I remember when I learned badminton , that the teacher would show us the high smash shot down , until we saw it being done properly , if he told us the theory of it without showing us what it looked like when it was done properly , we would n't have known what we were aiming at .
23 The council told us the only way we could get a home was if we were living together .
24 The MoD told us the organisers were aware of potential problems when they moved to Wroughton three years ago .
25 So she told us the last time she was round she was going on a course for that sort of thing and she said now would you like to try it said fair enough .
26 They stamped round the sofa and did that tricky bit of acrobatics that Sid and Ethel showed us the other night .
27 He showed us the shewanakoo , a teaching tree for shamans that menstruating women must not pass .
28 He showed us the parachutes we were to use .
29 He showed us the research he had begun in Pembrokeshire , and we were so amazed at what he had discovered that we encouraged him to continue all over Wales .
30 He showed us the section , which comprised a core based on woodflour and phenol resin , while the surface was a more advanced phenolic resin applied to the face of the core in the form of ‘ Condensite varnish ’ stamped within the record press .
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