Example sentences of "[vb past] at for " in BNC.

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1 Otherwise it was like a wrinkled prune , lying beside its mother , who loathed having her breasts pulled and sucked at for milk , which however came .
2 The third member of the team is production supervisor , who previously worked at for 34 years .
3 No more people left out and laughed at for being different .
4 This last was to acknowledge Charles , whom she looked at for a moment with suspicion .
5 I pronounced the word proudly and looked at for instructions on what to do next .
6 He can raise the issue by voicing his own increasing doubts about the achievability of the goal and can check very quickly whether he is trampled underfoot in the rush to agree , or scoffed at for his lack of understanding .
7 Plenty of evidence for the misbehaviour of , in this case , a very substantial minority ( have you ever , like me , driven at 30 in a 30mph zone and been constantly overtaken , even glared at for going too slowly ? ) ; yet this is never put forward as a reson for stopping road construction .
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