Example sentences of "[vb past] not [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I d-did n't know you had married her , Beckenham — I mean , Dacre . ’
2 Striving hard for some normality , she pulled her head back and told him , ‘ I d-did n't say a word to anyone about — about us . ’
3 Cowering beneath the bookcase , Mildred dared not move in case she had begun to be visible again .
4 When he played for Sheffield United he told a local newspaper that he dared not go into city nightspots in case he ran into any Wednesday supporters .
5 Kenya has been so dependent on official aid and structural adjustment loans that its government dared not go in for countertrading — despite the fact that , like Brazil , it was surrounded by poor , debt-ridden neighbours .
6 The wife dared not go by , but took out her pipes and played on them .
7 When I got out of hospital I dared not go outside .
8 His own son was so ragged that he dared not go to school …
9 Somehow , my visit to the Sign of the Pestle had caused the attack on me so I dared not go back there .
10 She hoped for a reply , but dared not hope too much ; she imagined that the Hon Mrs Anderson-Hunt would have had many replies and perhaps ladies with experience would be far more preferable to a young comparatively inexperienced girl like her .
11 ‘ After I left here I missed you every day , every hour , every second , ’ Sarella told him passionately , ‘ I dared not hope for anything — it was as if you were lost forever . ’
12 The children ; one dared not think of the children .
13 Paul bore all this in mind , looking down at Emily ; he could see her in his mind 's eye presiding over tea-parties at Oxford , saying the right thing to professors ' wives ; playing her part as his own wife , while he continued with his work uninterrupted except — he dared not think of it now — for the nights .
14 How he would take to having somebody prying she dared not think .
15 She touched on the word with delicacy , as if she dared not think of it .
16 I was making heavy weather of it but dared not rest for the cold .
17 An ache that she dared not examine too closely .
18 As the train stopped she rushed to the window , though she dared not open it .
19 As Bismarck said , ‘ I have always found the word ‘ Europe ’ on the lips of those who wanted something from other powers which they dared not demand in their own name' .
20 He wanted to turn round but dared not do so .
21 And while she longed to tell him the truth , she dared not do so .
22 She had spurned the hypocritical cant beloved of politicians and addressed herself directly to the people , showing how well she knew them , telling them what they whispered in their hearts but dared not speak , calling their bluff !
23 Esther hinted that it was the grim circumstances of their childhood that had drawn them together with a love that dared not speak its name .
24 It was not all my imagination , this something came from her as well as from me — a joint umbilical cord , something we dared not speak of , of course , yet which we both knew was there .
25 She was a prim and proper little Fraulein , although her father was the villain , and Carruthers loved her , but dared not speak to her without a chaperone .
26 She was so glad that Len was back by her side , and yet she dared not tell him why , because he would only be angry and perhaps start a fight and worry afterwards anyway .
27 Paul grudged the money spent on Jonas , in his progressive asylum ; by now , the madman would not have known where he was ; a cheaper one would have done , but Paul dared not suggest it to his mother .
28 I was certainly the ideal subject for his little tricks of ringing the door bell and running away , because I dared not ignore the summons in case it might be a client , and also the consulting and operating rooms were such a long way from the front of the house .
29 The weaver shook his head but the messenger dared not leave his door till his master 's errand had been fulfilled .
30 He 's mad , he 's mad , Ruth thought ; but she dared not leave him .
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