Example sentences of "[vb past] for [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He never lacked for both helpers and escort , but men on starvation diet take time to respond to good feeding , and their willingness far outran what was left of their strength .
2 Do look at different courses from those you applied for originally .
3 He lives , still , in the same Chelsea fiat with its pink and white striped wallpaper , geranium-filled window-boxes , elegant chintzy furniture , and the myriad of expressive original paintings which Joyce and he shared for so many years .
4 SLOUGH moved a step closer to achieving a League and Cup double when they qualified for today 's final against Hightown by convincingly beating Blueharts 11–1 in the semi-final of the All England Women 's Hockey Association Cup at Milton Keynes Sports Club yesterday .
5 In the ‘ bit plane ’ method , Fig. 4 is , in effect , duplicated for as many bits as are needed for each pixel .
6 They were monarchs indeed from the mid eleventh century on , ruling over a monarchy as wide as western Christendom with some very material weapons ; but it was a spiritual monarchy in which military power had no hand ; and in Rome itself the spiritual monarchy became for ever entangled with the pope 's role as the ruler of the city .
7 The little room at the end of the paddock , where scores are received , became for once the centre of attraction . ’
8 The Ostrogothic era ; Ravenna was taken by Theodoric in 493 and he ruled for over 30 years .
9 In her forty-four year life , Mary ruled for only six , so that we are faced with another thirty-eight years when she had virtually no role in her kingdom , being a minor and absentee ruler for the first nineteen , and a deposed queen for the second .
10 Having publicly backed his wife 's move , Mr Ozal now finds himself at odds with the party he founded and led for more than six years as prime minister .
11 You refer to her stately homes , which she cared for deeply , but more importantly round these homes she knew by name a huge number of tenants , workers and friends who always received a warm and cheerful word , and many enjoyed great generosity from her and her husband .
12 She recorded everything that passed in the room , but she cared for only one person .
13 As the UK 's main independent AIDS home care provider , we cared for around 25% of all those who died of AIDS last year .
14 ‘ But I have n't done anything — except be an absolute misery , ’ she added honestly as she realised for perhaps the first time what a wet blanket she had been .
15 SIR — As a convicted British tribalist , Scottish branch , may I urge the new Government of Great Britain not to make the same mistake as the British tribalists , English branch , who failed for so long to find a use for County Hall in London after Livingstone et al.
16 Jones , although supported by most official opinion , failed for once to influence Baldwin directly .
17 The Company 's Pest Control service covering Norfolk and Suffolk has moved from Norwich where it operated for over 30 years .
18 Lead was mined at several sites in Scotland 's Lowther Hills , and there are interesting remains of the industry here , which operated for about six centuries .
19 Cheryl gazed for only half a minute .
20 She pinned old movie stills to the black beams so that the guests could play at guessing what they were from and gazed for too long at a film-still of Peter Finch and a male lover , pondering the nature of sexual passion .
21 As from 3 May the premium for lots sold for over £30,000 will be raised to 15% while those making less than that figure will still be charged at 10% .
22 Those aware that in May 1989 Sotheby 's New York sold for $67 million a small group of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings inherited and collected by Ortiz-Patiño and once displayed in his house in Switzerland ( notable among the eight paintings offered at the time was Gauguin 's ‘ Mata Mua ’ , a Tahitian composition that sold for over $24 million to its former co-owner , Baron Thyssen , having been jointly purchased by Ortiz-Patiño and Thyssen only five years before at Sotheby 's New York for $3.85 million ) , may ask themselves how will Jaime Ortiz-Patiño furnish and decorate his London flat ?
23 What 's more , the early EG models , which sold for just under £600 , did n't seem to have the feel or charisma of the Customs and Classics .
24 The guide price for Cradley was £1.75m , and market sources believe it sold for about £1.9m , suggesting a yield less than 4.5% .
25 Lee , 49 , who built up a paper recycling business which he sold for more than £8 million and has since developed several other companies , says he wants to make Manchester City the top club in the country .
26 A pristine Globe Swift sold for only $ 28,500 .
27 A Baptism of Christ by sixteenth-century Venetian artist Carlotto Carliari sold for only FFr30,000 ( £3,000 ; $5,300 ) , within its estimate , a seventeenth-century oil on copper of the Holy Family attributed to the ‘ entourage ’ of Sassoferrato went for FFr29,000 ( £2,900 ; $5,100 ) and a Virgin and Child attributed to eighteenth-century French painter Jean Restout went under the hammer for FFr 22,000 .
28 Estimated at $20–30,000 it sold for only $16,000 ( £8,900 ) to a private collector .
29 Some of Thomson 's holidays to Spain sold for only £25 a week or £35 for two weeks , and 500 Intasun Holidays were offered for £39 each .
30 They sold for twice the price of a ‘ black label ’ record .
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