Example sentences of "[vb past] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Stan called me and we met for a chat at his home .
2 With an interpreter we met for a drink and he told me that because his home was in East Germany he had been forbidden to travel abroad until quite recently when he became an old-age Pensioner ; this voyage was his first taste of freedom .
3 Twenty-seven veterans of the summer campaign to Argentina ( minus centre Christian Coeurville who is involved in exams ) , along with the ‘ tired trio ’ — Sella , Mesnel and LaFond — and the ‘ banned trio ’ of Gimbert , Benazzi and Roumat , and Sebastian Conchy ( the Begles and French students flanker ) met for a squad session in Leon in South West France .
4 We met for a drink .
5 In the first week of January 1979 , President Giscard d'Estaing expounded his view when he met for a summit conference with Jimmy Carter , Hemut Schmidt , the West German chancellor , and James Callaghan , the British prime minister , on the French West Indian island of Guadeloupe .
6 Soon after his call , they met for a meal at Shoney 's Big Boy restaurant where Franks/Schafer introduced him to Burchette , who was then working from home as a one-man security service , and to Jack Terrell , a former operative of Oliver North 's in Central America .
7 NINE former staff at the old Williams & Glyn 's Bradford Branch were soon talking about ‘ the good old days ’ when they met for a reunion in one of the city 's wine bars .
8 FOUR months after attending a weekend course on team building and sales training , staff from Treasury and Capital Markets , Scotland met for a day-long follow-up session in the conference room at Drummond House .
9 The overnight snooze [ all of one-and-a-half hours ] on the ferry was hardly over when it was time to drive onto Reims , where crews from Oslo , Berlin and Edinburgh met for a deserved rest .
10 An Agence France-Presse ( AFP ) news agency report of Dec. 8 said that ICO Foreign Ministers who met for a preparatory session in Dakar on Dec. 5-9 , had adopted a draft resolution expressing " full solidarity " with Libya in its confrontation with Western states over the Lockerbie affair [ see p. 38599 ] and underlined their " concern over … the possible use of force " .
11 US Secretary of State James Baker and Israel 's ambassador to the USA Zalman Shoval met for a third round of talks in Washington on Feb. 21 but failed to arrange a compromise agreement on the terms of Israel 's request for loan guarantees worth US$10,000 million to be used for the absorption of new Jewish immigrants .
12 Now reference was made to the police finance working party which met for a long period of time , and unfortunately made no progress whatsoever in zero base budgeting .
13 Two years ago the 41year-old received a similar amount when his former teams of Liverpool and Arsenal met for a testimonial match .
14 As the Cabinet met for an unprecedented late-night session , Mr Major was searching for a way out of the deadlock that would help Chancellor Norman Lamont unveil a mini-Budget for recovery next week .
15 As the Cabinet met for an unprecedented late-night session , Mr Major was searching for a way out of the deadlock that would help Chancellor Norman Lamont unveil a mini-Budget for recovery next week .
16 On Wednesday 13 February , we met for the second time with pensions as the agenda item .
17 When he and Adenauer met for the first time , de Gaulle records , ‘ We discussed Europe at length .
18 In one game , against Nottingham Forest , Stephenson was joined by another player who was to take a leading role in Chapman 's future — Grenadier Guardsman Charlie Buchan of Sunderland , whom Chapman met for the first time .
19 Why can I read you like a book , when we only met for the first time four days ago ?
20 It met for the first time on 25 February 1986 and includes representatives from the Departments of Transport , Environment , Employment , and Trade and Industry ; Kent County Council ; the district councils of ; elected members of Kent local authorities and Parliamentary constituencies ; Eurotunnel ; Transmanche Link ; and British Rail .
21 ‘ Old Mr Misfortune ’ found consolation for his latest failure by marrying his 17-year-old bride , on the very day they met for the first time , 2 September 1719 .
22 Such is the force of tradition that when the newly instituted Parliament of Northern Ireland met for the first time in 1921 , its first act was to claim these ‘ undoubted and ancient privileges ’ .
23 They met for the first time at the weekend as their two-week-old girls were swopped and handed back to the right mothers .
24 I made no comment on this at the time ( though privately I thought it a brash boast ) but when we met for the interview I asked if he had brought the pendulum with him .
25 They all met for the first time on the show .
26 We met for the first time just two days before departure and accepted a murderous schedule of four games in 10 days , before opening against the New Zealand provincial champions just two days after a 25 hour journey to Dunedin .
27 They met for the first time on May 13th 1794 , a date which had been specified in the statute .
28 Tamed native birds flocked on the poolside boardwalk of their rented hideaway , ‘ Hawksnest ’ , as we met for the first time , and Robin encircled his shyness with a stream-of-consciousness banter , made easier by the antics of a visiting cocker spaniel , which bit the head off a parrot .
29 They all met for the international meeting at Salzburg in 1908 , having corresponded from 1906 onwards .
30 The Company 's hint was taken , and on 6th July the Charity Commissioners approved the new Board , which met for the first time twelve days later and agreed to advertise for a Headmaster who — after all the fuss and contrary to what may have been expected — was required to be an Anglican clergyman !
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