Example sentences of "[vb past] [been] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Else says a shiver went up 'er spine , and she knew she 'ad been called . ’
2 ‘ Er weddin' dress 'ad been run up for 'er by Mrs Stuart that 'ad only just give up 'er job workin' for a dressmaker in Shoreditch .
3 Its completely out of character for Rocky to have said this … probably some 3rd rate hack cornered him just after he 'd learnt hed been dropped .
4 Perry was a thick-set , bull-necked man who looked as if he 'd been eased into his suit with a shoe-horn .
5 If — and it was a megalithic if , but I supposed we should consider every possible option now we were at it — if , in some weird way the Ghost and her voice really did exist , then as soon as she 'd got over her disappointment , she would have to admit she 'd been defeated fair and square , and would just have to honour the deal and flit off back to heaven or wherever it was she lived now .
6 I shook and panicked and wept for the fist time since he 'd been born .
7 It was n't her real name and — like Horowitz — she 'd been born in Hungary .
8 Ted was a child of the sixties , but he sounded as if he 'd been born in the Blitz .
9 I was in the last category , I reckoned , which did n't stop me wishing I 'd been born into the first .
10 His life had been spent tending the land to which he 'd been born and what more could any man want ?
11 He 'd been born there and the Burnses had been part of the village for generations .
12 She was surprised by his hatred sometimes , but then he 'd been born there and grown up , while she was second-generation American .
13 He felt elated , warm-hearted at the sight of the place where he 'd been born .
14 There was no advantage in taking them back to the barn where they 'd been born , as when we found them they were too young ever to have been out of it , so would n't have known their way around .
15 TOTALLY UNKNOWN US bluesman comes to Britain and gets schlepped into a studio to record with a bunch of locals who wish they 'd been born in America 's Deep South .
16 If he 'd been born an American he 'd have been high up in the CIA — and still informing Moscow … ’
17 Extraordinary as those visits were — and as warmly welcomed as he found himself in the diverse Kesparates of Yzordderrex — the city state was an autocracy of the most extreme kind , its excesses dwarfing the repressions of the country he 'd been born in .
18 He asked her about the place so much like the valley , the place where she 'd been born .
19 Rory had always thought of Hamish as a sort of ponderously eccentric fool , and Ken a kind of failure because he had so much wanted to travel , and instead had settled down with Mary , stayed in the same wee corner of the world as he 'd been born and raised in , and not only raised his own children , but chosen to teach others ' , too .
20 I think that 's what I think , but I 'm not sure that if I 'd been born here I 'd be pleased to see me walking down the lane .
21 But of course , Agnes realised , Sims — or whoever he 'd been born — must once have been on the far side of The Wall , too .
22 Strange , she thought crossly , that the Copenhageners were n't all wearing ankle bandages , but then they 'd been born to the decorative but tricky pavements and attuned their footwear accordingly .
23 But she 'd been born at a better time and there were arts councils and they had been good to her .
24 Only to wish that I 'd been born a boy . ’
25 All she could recollect was that she 'd been amazed to find that they 'd been born on practically the same day in August : she on the sixth , and he on the eighth .
26 ‘ Yes , she told me how you 'd been born early , weeks early , how you were very small , but not small enough for special care .
27 If she had the sense she 'd been born with she 'd get up from the table right now , wish him a polite good evening , and scuttle back to the safety of the dressing-room , there to make a pledge never to risk being in his company again .
28 She 'd been so sure he 'd been born to money .
29 She saw him scowl darkly as he scanned the page , and wondered for a few moments if perhaps , although he could speak her tongue almost as if he 'd been born in her country , he did not read English so well .
30 She had a heart operation just 3 days after she 'd been born .
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