Example sentences of "[vb past] [not/n't] so " in BNC.

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1 He gave in that connection some instances from The Rock , which he described not so much as a play as a revue , a word he pronounced in the French manner .
2 Gould 's impatience and his disappointment stemmed not so much from the fruits of his collecting , but from the frustration of inactivity and the miscarriage of a good project .
3 Diatryma seems , after all , to have been a meat-eater , its head reinforced not so much to cut through meat as to cope with the sudden shocks when its bite hit bone .
4 For example , it is arguable that the qualitative change which engendered an environmental movement in the early 1960s involved not so much the presence of environmental destruction as the fact that the new forms of pollution and disruption became much more difficult , if not impossible , to avoid .
5 When the economic crisis became severe , community mobilization became not so much a question of participation in decision-making as practical support to keep schools and education projects going .
6 When Margie had mentioned his association with Greg Martin , the financier who had made him the loan which had set him up in a small showroom and enabled him to move the sewing machines out of the living room and into a work room , Hugo became not so much evasive as totally silent .
7 He became not so much a propagandist as a radio ‘ character ’ who had been created by a darker comedy than Tommy Handley 's ITMA .
8 Heavy industry produced not so much the industrial region as such as the company town , in which the fate of men and women depended on the fortunes and goodwill of a single master , behind whom stood the force of law and state power , which regarded his authority as necessary and beneficial .
9 His resignation arose not so much because an audience was to be debarred from geology , as because women were to be debarred from the audience .
10 The real restriction of his freedom arose not so much from the restraints of his colleagues as front the fact that his Plymouth speech inevitably created an election atmosphere which he found difficult to control .
11 Alexander seemed not so much to be moving in the direction of reform as to be making the achievement of emancipation more difficult .
12 For more than an hour , rockets exploded across the sky — an extravaganza that for many Peking residents recalled not so much the glory of the revolution as the tracer bullets and machine-gun fire of early June .
13 However , these were leaders whose strength rested not so much on their control of the machinery of party as on their skill as exceptional political manipulators .
14 Furthermore , there would be scope for an argument that the plaintiff 's loss flowed not so much from the inclusion of the non-commercial venture restriction in the domestic legislation as from the unduly narrow interpretation of that phrase by the domestic courts .
15 Banking debts and death duties owed not so much on the estates ( which under German law enjoy tax concessions designed to hold historic estates together ) , but on business investments , have led the Dowager Fürstin , Gloria , to decide to sell .
16 Common sense may tell us something different : that there are limits to growth ( or more accurately , perhaps , to real disposable income ) , imposed not so much by the depletion of fossil fuels and mineral which worried the Club of Rome , but by numbers of people and the cost of a worldwide defence of the environment .
17 In this context , regulations were , in the main , perceived not so much as serving the public interest but as representing ‘ capture ’ of the economic system by specific groups serving their own self-interest , reducing economic welfare and inhibiting economic development .
18 Well I , he lived at Stowmarket for years but then I heard not so long ago that they had moved to Ipswich but where I do n't know but they must be , whether he 's than I have now I do n't know either .
19 Well I heard not so long ago that they were going to either pull it down or
20 In this instance it seems that the client needed not so much advice on a course of action as legitimation from its lawyer .
21 The argument herein has been to point to a range of images , which focused not so much on sociological types ( conformist and delinquent behaviour ) , but on those pertaining to occupations , education , and the psychological state of ‘ personality ’ .
22 ‘ I remember thinking for a long time afterwards that it must have been Uncle Titch 's , ’ said William , and Preston stared at him in astonishment , shocked not so much by the thought of Uncle Titch and Mary Moxton in carnal embrace as by this sudden insight into William 's dark imaginings .
23 The affair started not so much as a head-first plunge as a mesmerised topple .
24 And yet if I refer you to no other example than that little one-legged girl whom we saw not so long ago in our Provence , does n't your universal statement collapse ? ’
25 They felt not so slender nor fragile now .
26 I felt not so much introduced to him as invaded by him .
27 Such overseas business represented not so much diversification as a natural development of banking facilities to meet customer needs .
28 The significance of the Plowden Report lay not so much in its recommendations but in what it sought to proclaim .
29 The weakness of the system lay not so much in the Exchequer 's faulty handling of the business for which it was intended , as in the absence of any institution responsible for developing or supervising the whole field of royal finance .
30 A critic later wrote that Harding 's genius lay not so much in his ability to conceal his thoughts as in the absence of any serious thoughts to conceal .
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