Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] no " in BNC.

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1 The road had for so long been the only goal that I 'd given no thought to anything beyond .
2 At first she 'd given no thought to missing for a month , putting it down to the trauma of losing Pa , but by the time nothing showed for the third month running there could be no doubt that the worst had happened .
3 Before marrying Shirley , he 'd written an honourable and honest letter to Betty Fowler , but he 'd received no reply .
4 She may have acted impetuously , but she 'd intended no malice , and she 'd always had Kirsty 's best interests at heart .
5 I kept telling myself that it was n't likely , that the man who shot at me could n't have known anything about my boat or he would n't have asked about my car , that I 'd met no one else on the entire expedition , and that if ever a place could be described as lonely and unvisited , it was Winter Marsh in mid-October .
6 He was determined to let the clan see they 'd made no mistake in choosing him , and was off on a round of visits to all the main families , to impress them with his strength and intelligence , good sense and good humour .
7 He 'd made no attempt to hold back as he knew there was more to come .
8 He was amusing and knowledgeable , and he 'd made no enemies .
9 Here she felt lonely and depressed , as it seemed as if she 'd made no progress and was back in the same vicious circle again .
10 Well , I 'd made no appointment with him , of course .
11 He 'd made no attempt to deny it .
12 He 'd made no move to leave , however , and scuffed along behind them .
13 He 'd made no attempt to detain her , she noticed while feeling slightly irritated as she walked along the passage towards her room , but at least she 'd indicated she was not falling over herself to bask in the pleasure of his company .
14 He 'd seen no reason to reveal to Morgan and Evans that his helper was a woman .
15 She 'd seen no trace of anyone else in the village , and no sign of anyone along the afternoon 's walk .
16 I 'd seen no sign of Mala , but I had n't expected it , since she 'd been right about us being less obvious if we were apart .
17 He 'd done no more than accidentally bump against some sailors aimlessly wandering from the passage next to the warehouse .
18 Once in the Essoldo Cinema a lad had moved away when he 'd done no more than offer him a piece of chocolate in the darkness .
19 It meant me having to dash back to England because my passport was at home , and we 'd got no tickets .
20 I 'd got no money , no night things , no spare clothes , no bank card .
21 And I 'd got no clothes to change into !
22 I should have been kitted out a week earlier but they 'd got no shoes to fit me .
23 They 'd come from the other way from er Snade Lane not Broad Lane , they 'd come up from they 'd come farther round , round and come in th in round the back sort of thing and we we 'd got no headquarters any more .
24 Erm which is points up a weakness there on the public relations side there I mean going back to their post share repurchase they said that they 'd got no new products in the pipeline , no research and development really sort of throwing anything up in the near future .
25 But she 'd got no problems , her husband was at home and er her little world was okay you see .
26 But you see the We 'd got no stall that end open to us and no stall that end , and the gate was down but we working to breakthrough to get some fresh air through from there .
27 Cooker was all electric , th they 'd got no gas mains up into the into the old village in those days you see .
28 You know and then er and then er and we 'd got no gas in when I was quite little .
29 ‘ Thank you , I 'll do that , ’ she replied with equal pleasantness , and put the phone down to rebel angrily that the diabolical swine , when he 'd got no reason to dismiss her , was about to do just that .
30 When I was a lad a man went in the ar , he hooked up with the army if he 'd got no trade and no hope
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