Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] it " in BNC.

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1 When screening began we agreed to discontinue it at the end of the first year if there were a number of traumatised families .
2 It was a post for which he was singularly unsuited and from which he removed himself or was gently pushed in September 1939 , but , though he failed to hit it off with the central committee , he did bring to the organisation the stamp of institutional legitimacy .
3 I got to whisk it , whisk it
4 He said that if either the Conservatives or Labour sought to go it alone as a minority Government they risked an economic crisis and rising interest rates .
5 The habit of association among hand-loom weavers could last as long as the class of workmen itself , or at least until it became too unstable and diluted to preserve it .
6 As in post-Pearl Harbour U.S.A. , a meatless day each week was decreed , but little effort made to enforce it .
7 He kept pulling on the stick , then swung away and made to carry it off .
8 ‘ I just got to miss it , ’ shrugs Knopfler .
9 The governor 's strategists say they became confident that the reform would get through when the state 's biggest business lobby , Associated Industries of Florida , agreed to support it .
10 None of us expected to see it , but we did .
11 I do n't think I really expected to see it , but when I did it amused me to follow you , and when you stopped in Wexford it was idle curiosity that prompted my behaviour , nothing else . ’
12 Later , Broderick admits that he was drawing on his own feelings about the death of his actor seven years ago , just as his career was taking off ( ‘ He watched everything I did , he was my big influence , and when I finally started to get work , he never got to see it ’ ) .
13 No one ever got to see it complete , except me and Terry of course . ’
14 ‘ I have a Matchbox racing set I had bought and put away for him for that coming Christmas , but he never got to see it .
15 No I ge , I got to see it
16 ‘ I went to see him one evening and asked to borrow it . ’
17 And Alfred P Sloan , who pioneered decentralization at General Motors in the early 1920s , lived to see it become international corporate practice by the time he published his best-selling memoirs in 1964 .
18 Creating an image , in this sense , is an external systematizing activity ; which is not to say that Zuwaya failed to recognize the finished product or failed to enjoy it .
19 It was a most successful party , and the only person who failed to enjoy it was the one for whom it had been given .
20 It was released in space on Oct. 19 to begin a six-year 2,500-million-mile voyage to study the planet Jupiter , on a gravitationally assisted trajectory planned to swing it once past the planet Venus and twice around the Earth .
21 Judaism , as we have seen , has always emphasised the wholeness of man 's nature and sought to sustain it .
22 I was bitterly ashamed of what I was doing , or letting people do to me , but also of course I got to like it , and even crave it , in a manner of speaking .
23 It was quite away from the area I 'd been brought up in , but I got to like it and make friends , and I got more independent .
24 No , she bloody ought to after the first couple of dozen times , but anyway , when they come back and we got back at night and we started playing them and putting things on er you know they got to like it
25 She looked at the clock , frustrated to find it was only a little after eleven .
26 In 1336 , as on earlier occasions , a tax of 20s a sack had been agreed by an assembly of merchants , and in 1338 the merchants agreed to increase it to 40s .
27 It was due in tomorrow and he planned to write it tonight .
28 In my judgment , this draft having been sent to the plaintiffs by Sir Richard Temple , and retained and cashed by them , we ought to draw the conclusion that the plaintiff , who kept and cashed the draft , agreed to accept it on the terms upon which it was sent … .
29 But he was clearly relieved when I agreed to accept it at his hands .
30 At which Bunny fussily swooped to retrieve it .
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