Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] time " in BNC.

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1 There seemed hardly time for anyone to wander off , but wander she had , and she had come to swinging happily on a swing in the park playground .
2 However , the Bill was enacted on May 9 under provisions of the Parliament Acts 1991 and 1949 ( whereby a bill could be passed directly for royal assent if it had been approved twice by the Commons but rejected both times by the Lords ) .
3 The minutes sped by until the bell that heralded home time .
4 So what happened about time and a half ?
5 Jackman has played Martin twice in the last eight months and lost both times , but Jackman was buoyed by the fact that she had taken a game off her on each occasion .
6 They 've already played them twice this season and lost both times .
7 But that 's how it started both times before , and if I lose this baby , I 'll — ’
8 Keeping the Sabbath was originally one of the Ten Commandments because it kept aside time to honour the Creator .
9 Republic of Ireland international Roy Keane released from his defensive shackles and restored to his favourite midfield role surged forward time and again into dangerous situations .
10 Meredith had only time to see that she was expensively dressed , sharp-featured and bad-tempered in looks .
11 Er I do n't suppose they had much time for , for relaxing and sitting down .
12 She whiled away time walking along the Mootwalk , an ancient wooden cloister that faced the Hilder and under which was a row of shops : an optician 's , a hairdresser 's , a wine shop , a jeans and sweater boutique , a newsagent , the pet shop .
13 I 've worked with them before , you see , ’ he added , in explanation and Teversham had just time to assure him he well understood and would n't himself like to work with anyone else 's squad , before Miss Williams , tears in her eyes , and Francis Morgan , white with distress , bore down on them .
14 But to bale out at 250 feet was tempting Fate too much — and although the parachute had just time to spring out of its canvas cover before the pilot hit the ground , no time remained for the canopy to open and check his fall .
15 He had just time to form them up and move a little way forward himself from their hiding-place , to where he could see the ford and its approaches on either side , when the first fleeing riders came pounding down , splashing over and racing on .
16 Nenna had just time to say , I must be going , before she came back , tottering at a kind of dignified slant , and holding a large tin of cheese straws .
17 Claudia had just time to see a sign in gold and red before they turned into a cobbled yard .
18 She had just time to nod before the advance guard entered .
19 I had just time to pull on a clean shirt and a pair of Chinos — Springsteen 's favourites as they show up his black hairs to best effect — before the local news came on the TV .
20 I had just time to think what a help he was being when another boot landed in my guts and I gasped for air .
21 ‘ Natty suddenly called out , ‘ Look massa ’ ; in an instant the air before us seemed literally filled with a dense mass of these birds , which had suddenly rose from under the trees at his exclamation ; we had scarcely time to raise our guns before they were seventy or eighty yards off ; our united discharge , however , brought down eight additional specimens , all of which being merely winged and fluttering about , attracted the attention of our kangaroo dogs , and it was with the greatest difficulty that they could be prevented from tearing them to pieces ; in the midst of the scramble , a kite , with the utmost audacity , came to the attack , and would doubtless , in spite of our presence , have carried off his share , had not the contents of my second barrel stopped his career .
22 I had hardly time to see that a car had been driven up to a shop window and was now rapidly reversing out of it when two young men wearing stocking-masks and bundled up in thick clothing , making them unidentifiable , came rushing into the street , each swinging a bag of loot .
23 A great wedge of MacIans had driven in to cut off the Macleans ' attacking force ; the few men left fighting by the ships had neither time nor numbers to relaunch them .
24 But concentrating as she was on simply surviving , she had neither time nor energy enough .
25 I had barely time to recognise the shaven and scarred head emerging from the heap of Bibles and screwed-up paper , when a quick movement caught the corner of my eye .
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