Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] her " in BNC.

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1 We had a mutual friend , an old lady , and we frequently met through her .
2 But there clung about her something that seemed much older , ten years older , a sort of coolness — not coldness or indifference , but a limpid aloofness ; coolness in the way that one thinks of coolness on a hot summer 's day .
3 Our inspector declared her ‘ a fine aircraft ’ ( who were we to disagree with him ) and we applied for her ‘ permit to test fly ’ .
4 But her imagination continued to torment her , replaying this last scene over and over again , as if trying to force her into admitting that the only person in her life who really cared about her might be dead .
5 He no longer cared about her , and would soon replace her with someone else , that is if he had n't done so already .
6 I cared about her before I cared about anything else , ’ he said .
7 None of them cared about her .
8 Although they had known each other such a short time , she could sense that he cared about her .
9 So it was a great disappointment to discover that she was quite unlike all the other home-bred horses , and that she would give nothing in return to those who cared for her and bestowed affection upon her .
10 Yet , when they were asked how they felt about their sister , each one of them paid tribute to her gentleness and femininity and said how much they cared for her .
11 ‘ Nobody cared for her or wanted her , she was alone and forsaken like a worthless rag . ’
12 The devout Roman Catholic said she got involved with Richard because he said he cared for her and he was single .
13 He cared for her too much to be impatient .
14 She was a kind and gentle girl and I cared for her greatly .
15 Arthur Nicholls cared for her wonderfully — I think he often stayed awake all night .
16 It was easy to see why Rose found him so attractive ; whether he cared for her was another matter and nothing to do with Melissa or her present mission .
17 He had n't said anything that had given her any indication that he actually cared for her .
18 Because , however much his words might deny that he cared for her , his actions spoke differently .
19 Her sister was headstrong and volatile , sometimes thoughtless of the feelings of those who cared for her , but she could also be charming and generous , compassionate and very lovable , and she was certainly no femme fatale , to lead a man to his doom against his will .
20 Her son and daughter who cared for her were going abroad for a fortnight 's holiday .
21 It would be even nicer to think he was trying to make her jealous because he still cared for her and not for pure spite , and it would be nice if she sobered up and faced life 's harsh realities !
22 She knew he cared , he showed it , but he would n't say the things she wanted to hear — that he cared for her to the exclusion of all others , and wanted her in his life to the exclusion of all others .
23 But she was his son 's child and he cared for her .
24 His touch lanced through her like a lightning bolt , clenching every muscle and tightening every nerve before filling her with liquid heat .
25 Polly 's irony could n't smother the pain that lanced through her .
26 She closed her eyes as pain lanced through her .
27 A pang of regret lanced through her as she recognised how little she still knew of Suzie 's innermost feelings .
28 Rourke 's blue eyes lanced through her like spears of ice .
29 Isabel heard the impatience in his voice and fear lanced through her .
30 An unexpected pang lanced through her as she realised that after today fitzAlan would no longer stand between her and the rest of the world .
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