Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 In the years that followed , press speculation dried up , scientific interest evaporated , and the whole affair became regarded as a laboured , pointless hoax .
2 If these events became regarded as a norm for science then public confidence would be threatened .
3 Fawcett soon became regarded as a dasher , but a dodgy proposition on defence .
4 Dysentery became regarded as a norm of life at Verdun .
5 The group invited the local Elder of the Jehovah 's Witnesses , who was wary at first , but then agreed to attend as an ‘ observer ’ .
6 Rising real wages made subletting as a means of supplementing income less essential and , among the unemployed , the household means test made letting rooms a more difficult proposition .
7 It is typical of Richard that he accepted the task with alacrity and succeeded with such brilliance that almost overnight he became recognized as a famous warrior .
8 As Charles Medawar points out in his seminal study , Power and Dependence ( Social Audit , £10 ) , it was not until the 1980s that benzodiazepine dependency became recognized as an iatrogenic problem , a disease caused by medicine itself .
9 In 1891 came the publication of African Aphorisms , or Saws from Swahililand , an annotated collection of some 600 proverbs ; the work ( reissued in 1924 ) provided an outlet for his immense erudition , and became recognized as a classic in the domain of Swahili studies .
10 But too often the pack failed to ruck as a unit .
11 The Nagaland State Assembly was dissolved on March 27 on the recommendation of Chief Minister Vamuzo , whose government agreed to continue as caretaker until fresh elections were held .
12 Christopher Picton , 34 , of Avon Way , Colchester , Essex , became trapped as the reels , weighing two and a half tons , were being loaded on to a lorry .
13 ‘ We do not consider that the judgment in [ Dobson ] requires or allows us to disregard what we have earlier in this judgment sought to extract as the ratio of the decision in [ Morris ] .
14 He mentions two examples of work that he implies Clark tried to claim as his own .
15 The red light on the phone console stopped flashing as whoever sought his attention tired of waiting .
16 Pairs of multiple step ladders or trestles can be bridged with purpose designed staging as a basic form of scaffolding .
17 Nick took her to a small restaurant a few miles outside Cambridge , where they both tried to behave as if nothing untoward had happened .
18 This was the question I tried to answer as the decade of the 1980s began .
19 The demographic evidence on this matter has been examined above and found wanting as an explanation of population growth .
20 In significant respects both differed on what a study of human society might look like , and both made strenuous and hard-won efforts to carry through their respective conceptions through argument and research into the phenomena they tried to identify as sociology 's subject matter .
21 You ate what you were given and tried to look as if you could n't really bear to think about food .
22 I tried to look as if this was perfectly normal , as if I 'd asked him to make the entry for me .
23 But colleague Dr Susan Williams declared : ‘ He is a first-class doctor who stopped to help as a Good Samaritan . ’
24 It was almost , I ventured to suggest as if the agnostic were declaring ‘ Lord , I want to believe , but please cosset my unbelief , because the resulting tension is so delicious ’ .
25 He dismissed conducting as a phoney profession , responsible for turning players into mindless dependents , powerless without the hypnotic beat of a little white stick in front of them .
26 This has proved an unfounded anxiety since the design and management of all full-time courses in the polytechnic sector were and remain the responsibility of persons who qualified via the Institution 's external examination system and entered teaching as qualified surveyors after years of service in the public or private sector .
27 She stopped speaking as the buzzer on his desk interrupted her .
28 I have the greatest sympathy for hon. and learned Member for Leicester , West ( Mr. Janner ) , but there is a principle involved and it is about time that my right hon. and learned Friend stopped speaking as a lawyer and started acting as a politician .
29 Charlotte Mason regarded teaching as her vocation from her early adolescence .
30 During his three years at University College , London , he got work each Christmas with the post office in his home town of Woking : ‘ When I was coming to the end of my university period I sat a civil service examination with possible jobs at the end which included income tax , the secret service and the post office which involved travelling as a management trainee .
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