Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] many " in BNC.

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1 The strike ended on May 16 , when the government agreed to meet many of the key demands .
2 Unfortunately these courses failed to attract many students .
3 Mr Georges said that mobile phone calls Gavin made included many to race lines .
4 My training as an historian would allow me to save what could be saved and is why I got to work many years ago .
5 Nevertheless , I got to know many of the leading linguists of the subsequent generation : , , , all passed through the MIT graduate school at that time .
6 Within a union as large , as diverse , as it is , the sectional conference has , in our case , helped allay many of these fears and concerns and our own clothing and textile industry is still as active as ever .
7 Calandrini 's excellent contacts with leading Puritans , such as William Kiffin and Sidrach Simpson [ qq.v. ] , helped to ease many of the difficulties the Dutch community in London faced during the turbulent 1640s .
8 Through their attack upon the social revolution , their politicization of the armed forces , their intolerance of opposition , and , most of all , their extensive use of brutal secret police methods via the SIM ( Military Investigation Service ) , they helped to convince many inhabitants of the Republican zone that fascist oppression could be little worse than that under which they were already living .
9 Kim Young Sam , who was due to begin his single five-year term of office on Feb. 25 , 1993 , promised to maintain many of the policies of his predecessor .
10 A Christian bishop was bound to look in the Bible for precedents for his mode of action ; and what he found had many remarkable analogies with his own predicament .
11 ‘ And although all the travelling was tiresome , I played on some lovely grounds and got to visit many interesting places .
12 WITH over 100 others from various parts of Britain , I planned to visit many sites of historical interest and biblical fame .
13 It was a song she 'd heard many times in the past , one that had stayed in the popular charts for months .
14 I 'd taught many similarly wealthy girls during my lecturer days , so fortunately I did n't feel uneasy about this and just let her carry on .
15 He 'd seen many changes in the penal system as a whole and Whitely in particular during his days as Governor at the prison .
16 Is there a message for me from a garage ? ’ she changed her mind to rephrase it pleasantly to the man whom she 'd seen many times before and who , from his broad welcoming smile , she knew had remembered her .
17 Looping the loop at a Manchester airshow as he 'd done many times before in the vintage Spitfire … pilot David Moore from Horsley near Stroud misjudged the manoeuvere .
18 It was in this way that Havard first came to hear many of Tolkien 's tales , David Cecil 's Two Quiet Lives , and reflections on Dante by Colin Hardie ( who taught Classics at Magdalen and was also a regular member of the circle ) , as well as many of Lewis 's own works .
19 Not that they 'd had many takers , no more than fifty , mostly scum from prison camps attracted by the offer of good food , women and money .
20 And the fact of having , and also of course of realising that he is having , the same experience as he , and the same sensation , as he 'd experienced many years before , this sensation releases a whole set of associated feelings .
21 She came to share many of his interests and tastes and as she grew up she became something of a. companion to him .
22 We seemed to send many searchers away happy as well as laden .
23 ‘ Apparently after Naylor had spent hours checking around my old haunts without success , he finally got lucky when someone recalled having many times seen my car parked outside this block of flats .
24 The king was educated in Britain — at Harrow and Sandhurst — and seemed to share many of its values .
25 However , before she 'd gone many yards she recollected herself and turned to the bystanders .
26 Poor old Finland they never seemed to get many points did they ?
27 They seemed to have many roles , in reproduction , in blood vessels , in certain enzyme systems , and in the activity of nerves .
28 At that time the party seemed to have many of the characteristics of a party which did not expect to win elections : it had changed its leadership only a few weeks before the general election was called , Lansbury having resigned and been replaced by Attlee on a temporary basis ; and it suffered from a good deal of internal factionalism , and found its major policy demand — collective security through the League of Nations — ‘ scooped ’ by Stanley Baldwin , the Prime Minister .
29 She wondered if he 'd kissed many girls , just because they were pretty and expected it .
30 But for many years after 1979 this approach seemed to embody many of the qualities which a depressed , declining nation yearned for and acclaimed .
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