Example sentences of "[coord] having [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 If the birth-rate is rising , we can discover whether this is due to women bearing more children or having them younger , so that the generations succeed one another more rapidly .
2 The acquisition of grave-clothes did not need to wait until death , and many a young bride-to-be , especially in the more remote country areas , included such items in their trousseaus , either buying them ready-made from one of the known outlets , or having them made by a local seamstress , or producing them herself .
3 M. If it 's a choice between dropping bombs on them , or having them here as our conquerors — then the second , every time .
4 ‘ You have to play more than one way to win the Championship and having him back gives us more options .
5 This was performed by randomly selecting 15 slides scored by the pathologist ( SD ) at least one year earlier and having him rescore them unaware that he had previously examined them .
6 You may be surprised to find that gutters and downpipes are regarded as luxuries by most kit garage manufacturers , and having them as part of the kit can add as much as £150 to the price on large double garages .
7 It seems that for some time the firm had been issuing such promissory notes and having them endorsed by its local bank in Bihać ( where , incidentally , the partisans held the first meeting of the Anti-Fascist Council for the Liberation of Yugoslavia ) .
8 The main reason for using a Statutory Demand is not to drive your debtor into insolvency , which helps no one , but rather to bring pressure to bear on having accounts paid and having them paid quickly .
9 Nothing so riled a sixteenth-century conquistadore as the knowledge that some men indulged in sodomy , and Balboa felt no compunction in setting the dreadful war-dogs on the culprits and having them tom to pieces in full public view .
10 Although my worst fears about dealers infiltrating fake pieces into this section and having them ‘ authenticated ’ by being included in the catalogue , as was the case recently at an important exhibition in Berlin , did not occur , this section adds nothing to our knowledge of Soviet ceramics 1915–32 .
11 He is said to have shown his adoration for her by kissing her holy manuscripts and having them richly bound for her .
12 The first approach involved despatching specially selected officers into ‘ alienated neighbourhoods ’ and having them operate from ‘ storefront ’ mini-police stations , where they sometimes worked in teams , helping and advising marginal sections of society , like drug addicts and delinquent children .
13 However he also reveals his own cunning ( very much like Claudius ' ) when on the ship to England by changing the letters of instruction and having them killed : a punishment for those who tried to deceive him and a warning to Claudius .
14 He 's an uptight devil , only interested in giving orders and having them obeyed .
15 Getting hold of Clarissa , wherever she was entertaining the troops and having her transported to London , was apparently no more than a mild challenge .
16 If I had to choose between having children and having you , it would have to be you .
17 If there was anything worse than being cross , she thought , it was being cross and having it ignored .
18 Buying new glass and having it cut to size can be prohibitively expensive for the home tank builder .
19 By including the footswitch and having it Velcro in place inside the amp Fender win more Brownie points .
20 ‘ We 're also experimenting with taking the basic nickel-plated steel wire and having it made in various different tempers or levels of hardness : five per cent , ten per cent , fifty per cent harder .
21 Prince Albert , Queen Victoria 's consort , helped this trend by designing his own Balmoral tartan and having it made up at Walkerburn .
22 You do n't have to fight your way into a plastic-wrapped leg of hairy chicken , while you 're hurtled through space at the mercy of some suburban pilot with piles who thinks only of his duty frees and having it off with the stewardess .
23 I think the idea of taking a fox and having it ripped apart legitimized by our society is a bad message to pass onto our children !
24 Going and having it done and then going on holiday .
25 ‘ There 's a great deal of difference between being desired and having it spelled out ! ’ she insisted awkwardly .
26 By writing this story virtually as a film script and having it turned into a film very soon afterwards , Franco made it clear that Raza also represented what he wanted to be the popular , mass vision of him .
27 into a marquis and having it all laid on for
28 Gon na have it rea no , well she 's growing the back of it and having it permed and highlighted .
29 And she said she said I am not having you putting down the value of my house and having yours higher than mine the value of my house .
30 His supervisor , engineering and operational research lecturer Jean Tunnicliffe-Wilson , says much of the satisfaction is not only in suggesting ideas but having them tested in practice .
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