Example sentences of "[coord] took [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He talked with them in his study or took them for walks in the park .
2 Despite the happy family photos that appeared in the fan magazines , childhood days were miserable days for Joe who said that his dad never held him in his lap and read him stories or took him to ball games .
3 Auguste reached out his hand and took hers .
4 Luke 's mouth descended then and took hers and Robyn felt the surge of hidden desire increasing , expanding , until she ached with the pleasure of it .
5 He put down his glass and took hers from fingers which were inexplicably trembling , then twisted her round to inspect her back , ‘ You 've had your back in the sun .
6 She pulled away , but his hand followed , and took hers in an unrelenting grasp .
7 He 'd always been so clean before , so we knew there was something wrong and took him to the vet immediately . ’
8 Gyorgy Aczel , the liberal-minded ideology chief , spotted the talented regional boss and took him under his wings .
9 The police considered this and took him down to the station — for tea and sticky buns .
10 She showed them the small lake in its ring of reeds , took them to the first slopes of the mountain , rigged up a fishing rod for Michael and took him to the part of the lake she used to fish as a girl , and soon he was shouting out in glee as he missed the ravenous little perch or swung them out over his head on to the bank .
11 Paul did not , or affected not to , hear her and Erika walked across the yard and took him by the elbow .
12 He settled Francis Morgan down as best he could and took him again through the events of the week before his daughter vanished .
13 It took him just five hours , included 29 fours , and took him past 4,000 Test runs ( a milestone Botham had passed earlier in the game ) .
14 He received Mark in the central lobby and took him to the Members ' tea room for a chat over a pot of tea .
15 Khrushchev lavished banquets , ballets and banter on him and took him tobogganing — then , with mysterious abruptness , withdrew his favours and gave the British a public drubbing over the Suez adventure and the Berlin question , where he was demanding the evacuation of allied troops .
16 A few minutes later she hurried back and took him by the hand .
17 ‘ Because my fa — his father came and took him away to Hambury . ’
18 She had another kid as well , you know , but his father came and took him away when he was a baby .
19 Fallon still had a bit of work to do , even then , but he had already bumped off Perrins and Hannaford with one uncompromising run and this time his strength buried the rest of the Gloucester defence and took him over for a try in the corner .
20 His 10,000-mile electoral odyssey , which started in Mrs Thatcher 's birthplace of Grantham and took him to more than 60 constituencies , finally brought him to Dulwich , just up the road from his predecessor 's Prime Ministerial bolthole .
21 He made eight consecutive pars , missing putts of 6ft and 4ft for birdies at the second and sixth respectively , before a bogey at the ninth gave him an outward half of 37 and took him back to level par overall .
22 Sure enough , someone met him and took him to the adjutant of No .
23 He arranged for Marcus to see a dentist , and took him there in a taxi .
24 Mr McTavish , studying Nails closely , thought the boy was ill and took him into the kitchen and made him a cup of tea .
25 I got hold of him by the scruff of the neck and took him along to the police box and rang up for the wagon .
26 On that Tuesday morning my mother came with the doctor and took him to a spare bedroom , leaving the door ajar .
27 The well-to-do uncle treated John as a son and took him into his expanding business .
28 One day my son Krono and I were there , too busy eating to watch for trouble , and a big bird came down and took him away . ’
29 Faced with the defenceless young man asking for mercy , the blacksmith could not kill him , so he relieved him of his sword and took him prisoner .
30 She was teasing , but I answered , ‘ I 'd guess Mercer assured the waiter he would n't be fired and took him aside and gave him twenty dollars . ’
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