Example sentences of "[coord] two [adv] " in BNC.

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1 There are one or two passably funny lines which fail to make up a coherent , witty whole but are suddenly shot out from an invisible pea-shooter as if whipped from Ms Rudner 's stand-up routine .
2 However , it is necessary to say a word or two here to refute this seemingly compelling argument .
3 For a long time this was a virtual no-go area for climbers , particularly scruffy ones , but this is now no longer the case , and a pint or two here ought to round off a Froggatt day rather nicely .
4 Given the excellence of the cause which benefits from the sales of ‘ Ruby Trax ’ and the generosity of the artists etc , etc , it would be churlish of me to rubbish individual tracks — although there are one or two here which have tempted me sorely — so I will pick out some highlights for you .
5 erm , one or two here are adoptive parents of children , not babies , but
6 An hour or two here , max , is all it takes .
7 She is here doing research at the university with one of my husband 's oldest friends , and is staying a week or two here before moving to a flat .
8 ‘ As you may recall , I already had a fair grasp of Portuguese , so all it needed was a crash course and a month or two here to make me fluent , ’ Ashley said , wishing he was not so persistent .
9 And there it was , in the late nineties , he was adding up his pence and his shillings and the odd pound or two here and there , these were his costs of making the pictures that he was making in those days , and then when you turned over and we came to nineteen hundred , nineteen hundred and one , nineteen hundred and two , erm the figures had broadened and under the pounds into three figures and then into four .
10 As with most projects in Hollywood , there was always an overlap between one and another , sometimes of a year or two simply because of the time it takes to get an idea , or a script or a novel , written , financed , budgeted and into production .
11 For this to work though , it was absolutely essential to get them to their spot a minute or two ahead of her , and to achieve that we had arranged for Mrs Thatcher to pause for a cup of coffee with the VIPs in a small room just outside the terminal door .
12 Males arrive on the breeding grounds a day or two ahead of the females and set up territories .
13 Expect some waiting during busy periods , and to guarantee a day or half day on the water you should book a day or two ahead .
14 Now a mile or two ahead , we could see a white line where the swell was crashing up on the fringing reef .
16 The ‘ grand total ’ of responses to each of the ten questions in the checklist is shown in appendix 4 , and from this we can see that one or two particularly striking polarities stand out .
17 Nevertheless , they did not forget the main object of their expedition and kept a careful record of all the plants found , though they commented that had the journey been made a month or two sooner , they would have found a greater number of rarities .
18 ‘ We are trying to organise one or two extra special events to help raise the profile of the trust .
19 Fantastic aspects on the 8th and 9th to both Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn should provide one or two rather blissful moments , although this may not be enough to lift your spirits entirely .
20 I whispered one or two rather ordinary questions to her , and received no answer .
21 And there 's some still some one or two rather nice little bridges .
22 A month or two ago I was on the phone to the Baltic , to obtain some bloodcurdlingly seditious statement from the local nationalists .
23 Only a day or two ago in The Times , a high academic figure was complaining that ‘ the nature of the demand for education , at least over the next few years , seems unlikely to correspond with any precision to the national need for more scientists and technologists ’ .
24 One person said to me a year or two ago : ‘ I 'm scared of dying .
25 Usually a woman 's face , like the face of the girl in the coffee bar an hour or two ago .
26 He had been speaking only a day or two ago to a miners ' meeting attended by what he called the ‘ Scargill Mafia ’ .
27 A day or two ago I was passing a garage .
28 A century or two ago , though , who could have imagined any practical benefit to mankind from such erudite and scholarly historical research as studies of the exact path of an eclipse , or painstaking measurements of the angular diameter of the Sun ?
29 LETTERS poured in about the peppermint effect mentioned a week or two ago .
30 While most practising firms are having no difficulty in retaining and recruiting staff in the midst of a recession , the situation was , of course , very different only a year or two ago and will probably change again just as rapidly .
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