Example sentences of "[coord] said he " in BNC.

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1 The fact that Thucydides wanted to do this , or said he did , does not of course provide evidence of whether he actually did .
2 Or said he was : told Luke that .
3 Yeah when he 's eighteen but the trouble is I do n't know what 's happened I 've lost , I suppose mum 'll have to do it because erm Tom has sort of cut him out , or said he was going to cut him out , but I think
4 ‘ The doctor had visited the man earlier in the day and said he would be back later that night when he thought the pneumonia would have reached its crisis . ’
5 Mr Livingstone was replaced by John Prescott , the transport spokesman , who came third and said he would work for organisational and campaigning reforms in the party .
6 It drew to an end in April 1964 with Mr Mandela 's four-hour speech from the dock , in which he defended the formation of Umkhonto we Sizwe and said he had done what he did for the ideal of a free and democratic society , ‘ an ideal for which I am prepared to die ’ .
7 Military sources named the pilot as Major Adel Bassem , 34 , and said he was co-operating with his Israeli debriefers .
8 He took 15,000 pesetas off me and said he 'd come to my apartment later that evening .
9 I and my new friend then went to Ku where he took another 15,000 pesetas off me — the price had gone up , he said — and he parked me by the dance-floor and said he 'd be back in five minutes .
10 ‘ His US lawyer contacted ours and said he wanted to swop our daughter for a guarantee that he would n't be arrested !
11 Betjeman appeared in a pair of eccentric bedroom slippers and said he hoped I did n't mind them as he had a blister .
12 However , Lord Justice Watkins disagreed and said he saw no difficulty in imposing upon the assessment officer the duty to discover what intention lay behind the reduction of capital .
13 Comment was dominated by the critic Mark Steyn who kicked opera in the teeth and said he 'd take Frank Loesser in preference to Puccini any time .
14 Yesterday he smiled for the last time and said he did not wish to obstruct the work of Prime Minister Hans Modrow — who now constitutes , with a small group of associates from Dresden , the only remaining acceptable face of reform within the East German Communist Party .
15 Richard Lee , who trains Market Leader , expressed himself happy with Greene 's riding and said he felt Market Leader was a moderate animal .
16 Chamberlain coughed politely and said he was sure it would be cleared up by the time he took over .
17 Chamberlain coughed politely and said he was sure it would be cleared up by the time he took over .
18 Mr Hurd still hoped the UN High Commissioner for Refugees would agree to help the Hanoi embassy in monitoring conditions for returnees , and said he had already asked British non-governmental organisations for co-operation .
19 The MP vigorously denied assault and said he had been struck by the officer .
20 Bloom got on to me and said he had received a letter from this young .
21 Added to which , David had been interviewed by Melody Maker and said he was gay which gained a lot of publicity . ’
22 Unfortunately his foot was in it at the time and I slammed it , at which point he pulled out a badge and said he was a cop .
23 I was involved with the show that was recorded at The Marquee and I think a few months after that he called me and said he was doing an album called ‘ Diamond Dogs ’ and did n't know where to get it mixed .
24 Returning home on December 22nd , Mr Bouterse described Mr Shankar as a ‘ joker ’ and said he would resign .
25 The Greek prime minister , Mr Constantine Mitsotakis , looks downright incompetent : at first he said he would pardon the guilty men , then took that back and said he would merely release them .
26 Christopher , who was a friend of my father 's , had the kiln brought here from my father 's workplace miles away , and said he 'd buy whatever I produced .
27 He did n't like the sound of that much , so he changed his mind and said he might not have time , anyway , after his other reading in a church hall .
28 It had looked suspicious , I had done right to inform them , they said kindly , but the man had nothing on his person at all , and said he had been after rabbits .
29 He replied that he recognized that ‘ there are those who agree with me politically but who disagree with me religiously ’ and said he wanted their political support .
30 I wondered what he wanted , so I did it ; and in the interval of the rehearsal he came and said he was suffering from nervous shock because the moment I started he realized I was doing exactly the contrary of all the things he had taught the orchestra .
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