Example sentences of "[coord] are [verb] " in BNC.

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1 iv Survey the legal and structural arrangements that have been introduced and/or are associated with US/UK high technology defence programmes .
2 People have been shown ( 1 ) to prefer proximity to kin ( presumably , the better to help them ) , ( 2 ) to actually help their kin ( presumably in ways likely to enhance their reproductive success ) , and ( 3 ) to produce more children and grandchildren when they live close to and/or are helped by kin .
3 Glad to hear that & are getting on well with ‘ Whaley-bonce ’ .
4 Without border checks , traders may be tempted to claim exemption from VAT on goods ostensibly destined for export but which , in fact , never leave the country or are reimported .
5 For Opposition Members to suggest otherwise shows that they have either not understood the Bill or are trying to bolster a weak case with irrelevant scares .
6 For instance , those who experience a violent death ( self-inflicted or otherwise ) or are denied proper burial must remain earth-bound until they are exorcised .
7 Moreover , if we bring to this common confusion the elementary historical observation that these presumptive classes of ‘ art ’ and ‘ sub-art ’ or ‘ non-art ’ tend to shift ( all novels , once , would have been in the downgrading classes ; particular classes of novel , for example ‘ science fiction ’ , move from one side of the divide to another , or are straddled across it ; cinema films are ‘ commercial popular culture ’ but then some films are ‘ high art ’ ) , we become more and more certain that we must refuse that beguiling invitation to leave aside ‘ sociological categories ’ and move to ‘ the works of art themselves ’ .
8 Late summer and early autumn are good times to sow hardy green manures , which stay in the ground through the winter and rot down , or are dug in , in the spring .
9 Those who return for the same symptoms or are referred may require more attention .
10 Admittedly then , those seeking a comprehensive analysis , will have to have some a priori position on these issues since they all profoundly affect or are affected by environmental degradation .
11 Whether creole varieties are termed ‘ dialects of ’ English or are regarded as languages in their own right is a Political and ideological question , which concerns the social identity of groups of speakers .
12 The structure of the development or construction company will affect the nature of the feasibility study , depending on whether the functions of funding , construction and marketing are all undertaken by one company or are subdivided between several different companies .
13 In the neo-elitist view it is important to study not just how the issues which become major political conflicts are resolved , but also which issues never make the political agenda at all or are prevented from reaching any decision when they do emerge as issues .
14 Others are supplied as polymers , per se , or are made as polymers in a dental laboratory , where elevated temperatures are used without any risk to the patient .
15 Equally the enunciation of statements C and D may enable certain individuals to dominate the group in the name of an ‘ imagined community ’ of race or class which they either claim or are made by others to represent .
16 in terms of paying out any enhancements if people take early voluntary retirement , or are made , erm , if a package is with , at at at the time of government reorganisation .
17 Let us leave aside , for the moment , the practical difficulties which stand or are believed to stand in the way of direct democracy .
18 For good or ill , they may not agree with the way things have turned out , or are developing at the moment .
19 In addition to the five nations that admitted , under the treaty , to the possession of nuclear weapons , no fewer than 10 others have developed or are developing the bomb , and five of those are signatories to the NPT .
20 The advice from the group once again raised the sensitive issue of employing staff who admit to being , or are discovered to be infected .
21 Although a wide range of mutual aid groups are now available , involving reciprocal aid among people who have in common one particular type of life stress , members typically only discover or are discovered by the organisation some considerable time after the event ( Richardson and Goodman , 1983 ) .
22 Many head teachers are embarking on marketing courses , in the hope that they can learn the skills required to ‘ sell ’ their schools to parents , or are persuading governing bodies to co-opt persons with this area of expertise .
23 This means any class taken on a voluntary basics , classes paid for by a private concern , ( W.I. T.W.G. sports sections of firms etc. ) , are hiring your own premises and running a class , or are coaching any display team .
24 Of course , even within the stated parameters , comprehensiveness is an impossible goal , because some publications escape the net , or are listed so late that they have gone out of print or are out-of-date by the time they appear .
25 Many of their pees are much less visible because they are cares trapped at home or are struggling to make ends meet .
26 ‘ Those services which normally refer clients to us are not doing so because the local authority concerned does not have a contract with Roma or are struggling to sort out their assessment procedures , ’ he said .
27 Vogue wheels should not be fitted to earlier Range Rovers unless the wheel studs are marked with a line on the end or are replaced with new ones .
28 From this we can see that the only pieces that can be affected by the commutator [ F , R ] are those which are in the overlap or are moved into the overlap by F or R .
29 The Earth 's own magnetic field has a pulse frequency of 10 Hz ( 10 pulses/second ) and it has been found that if patients are placed in magnetic fields of around 10 Hz , or are given electro-acupuncture at 10 Hz , healing can be speeded up .
30 The hypocrites take , or are given , all , and once they have it , show their real selves .
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