Example sentences of "[coord] leave us " in BNC.

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1 They 'll give up and leave us to get on with some work I imagine .
2 Perhaps you or I might have got fed up with all the attention and been tempted to tell the crowds to go home and leave us alone .
3 Polite advisory letters , relatively minuscule fines , and short prison sentences leave corporations licenced to continue and leave us , as Dylan advised , with heads buried deep in our rags .
4 to take us back there with him , and leave us there alone .
5 Maybe they simply see the ark as a visible guarantee of God 's presence and of victory , but that understanding of it is no better , for then they turn it into an idol , ascribe to it magical powers , and leave us asking why they did not take it into battle in the first place .
6 You can not turn your back on this issue , and leave us with the responsibility ’ . ’
7 On certain nights , when things got very late and very heavy , Madame would go to bed and leave us to it there under the stars .
8 As most of us have to work to earn a living , the short winter days limit our riding considerably and leave us with the choice of riding before or after work in the dark or only at weekends , unless you are lucky enough to have access to an indoor school .
9 ‘ Well hurry up and leave us alone . ’
10 ‘ I have always gotten the sense that museums , which are very active in lobbying us for money , take the essential position : ‘ Give us the money and leave us alone ’ ’ , Brodsky announced at a hearing last week .
11 Bring back Diary Of A Game and leave us poor old 64 owners alone .
12 I wish you 'd just take your ten per cent and leave us alone . ’
13 He 'd just rob us and tie us up and leave us for the wolves , I expect . ’
14 Until then , HANDS OFF , KEEP OUT , and leave us aloon ! ! !
15 If we cancel it now it will create a lot of bad feeling and leave us with egg on our faces . ’
16 It 's not the fat cats we got ta take notice of , who steal the cream and leave us with the sil sour milk even .
17 ‘ It was the time they started sending memos out to referees , and I said straight why did n't they just get on with administration and leave us to do the bloody job on the field .
18 Our ultimate aim is to make them see sense and leave us alone to allow us our right to ride . ’
19 ‘ Piss off and leave us alone ! ’
20 And leave us .
21 He was young and madly enthusiastic for all things meteorological , with the exception of the teleprinter which he was always messing up , getting the paper stuck and so on , and leaving us to sort it out when we came on duty .
22 The storm that night raged unappeased , obliterating our tracks and leaving us shivering and miserable .
23 At 10.00 pm the Corporal came round to check that we were all present and in bed before turning the lights out and leaving us to sleep .
24 He shook my hand heartily , and left us sitting in the front room while he went in search of ‘ something special ’ .
25 To function properly all these facets have to be in tune with each other , yet modern medicine has pulled us to pieces and left us like a dismantled Meccano .
26 The shepherd grew pale and left us at once , and tried to rid his stomach of the dread stuff , and thereafter went home to his bed , expecting to die .
27 After this he was a little unlucky with injuries and left us at the end of 1935–36 , having served honourably and well .
28 Common usage has sifted these terms and left us with the most expressive .
29 The Evil One may not have come between us and God on a personal level , but as an army he has scattered us all over the place , dumped us unceremoniously in our little religious ghettoes and subcultures , and left us to our own devices .
30 ‘ They gave us a key for the apartment and left us to it .
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