Example sentences of "[coord] give some " in BNC.

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1 He finds time for them , always being prepared to lend a sympathetic ear or give some friendly confidential advice .
2 He stepped forward towards Mr Smith 's desk , Smith sat back , surprised , Grout saw him exchange looks with Dan Ashton , and thought he could see the older man nod , or give some sort of sign or signal to Mr Smith .
3 And given some of the difficulties which we 've suggested in the course of this half hour are involved .
4 We were split into groups and given some clues .
5 I was received very cordially and given some names and phone numbers .
6 Leith asked , unable in her constant nagging worry about the mortgage to resist the hope that he might have referred to it , and given some indication of what he intended to do about repaying his half .
7 Whatever the merits of the arguments against Mr Soley 's proposal for a Select Committee in place of the Commissioner , they are much less convincing when applied to the more modest proposal put forward at the time by the SDP that there could be a Select Committee confining itself to the Commissioner 's report ‘ so that in turn it would report and give some reality to parliamentary accountability ’ .
8 We have no fairy godfather or fairy godmother who will come along and give some money .
9 So far we have sought to define spiritual direction , provide some biblical undergirding , and give some examples .
10 What is needed is a leader who will set an example in worship and give some brief teaching from the scriptures .
11 First , Suenens proposed a plan d'ensemble , an overall plan , to reduce the number of topics and give some direction to their work .
12 At 5 o'clock forget about work and give some in-depth thought to what 's happening at home .
13 Find out what 's happening to your company 's products and services and give some feedback to the appropriate people .
14 The teachers would prescribe the topics to be dealt with and give some account of what the class had done previously .
15 However , the Full Moon in Scorpio on May 16 should bring everyone to their senses and give some light relief .
16 The fall in population did not , however , mean a general decline in economic activity ; rising wages may have served to increase consumption and give some stimulus to production , and it is worth noting that even the magnate class , which was more likely to suffer from the changed balance of power between land and labour through declining rent rolls and higher payments of wages was still able to invest considerable sums in new building during Richard II 's reign .
17 This provided for arrangements to secure ransom money if necessary , to pool any gains of war and invest them profitably , and , if one left a widow , to make some provision for her and give some protection for surviving children .
18 Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography ( ERCP ) and percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography allow visualisation of the site and give some information on the nature of the stricture but are not diagnostic .
19 Our intuitive arguments will still apply to these homoclinic orbits and give some understanding of the way in which the structure of the attractor changes .
20 It 's to start saving money and give some and give some of this money to their private sector friends .
21 It 's to start saving money and give some and give some of this money to their private sector friends .
22 As the proposed grant for 93–94 from Christian Aid was so large , at £50,000 , the Committee was asked to consider the proposal in advance , and give some now indication of whether it would support the request when it came to committee for approval next year .
23 I chose a situation close to a hedgerow and was soon scouting around for logs or pieces of wood to cover the trench and to give some sort of protection against shrapnel .
24 The task of the theist , as I see it in this book , is to define what he or she means by the word ‘ God ’ , and to give some evidence for believing that this Deity exists .
25 This polarisation of attitudes was perhaps unfortunate since there had been signs of a certain willingness on the part of the Department to reconsider the validity of their ideas and to give some weight to the social issues behind the public reaction to the housing policy .
26 It is perfectly in order to pause before answering a question so that you can be totally sure you have understood what has been said to you and to give some thought to your answer .
27 Adoption was intended to create new family relationships not change those which already existed and joint custody was introduced as an alternative and to give some legal recognition to step-parents .
28 With the object of literary studies circumscribed on the basis of differentiation and not on that of inherent qualities , it becomes possible both to establish the notion of literariness , and to give some kind of scientific status to the study of literature .
29 Could I firstly start by thanking those delegates who after Congress yesterday have expressed support about the two rule changes that we lost and to give some encouragement to new delegates here that even if you get up here and you lose it , there 's some one hell of a lot of support out there on the floor .
30 The purpose of this chapter is to acquaint MAS professionals with the services provided by MC , describe how MC go about their work and the considerations they employ , and to give some guidance on when it is necessary to involve MC .
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