Example sentences of "[coord] think he " in BNC.

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1 I hope people wo n't intrude or think he 's odd .
2 Writer is ignorant or stupid or thinks he 's clever .
3 11 Do n't allow yourself to be dominated by the student who always knows , or thinks he knows , the answer or who is always asking you questions or giving his opinion on the state of the world .
4 Like the rest of us , he knew , or thought he knew , that in the 18th century ‘ the riot was probably a more effective curb on the government ’ than either the Lords or the House of Commons — ‘ England 's strongest countervailing force ’ .
5 First of all , he was answering ( or thought he was answering ) an appeal for help and support against the Turks from the Byzantine emperor — the Christian west should sustain the Christian east .
6 ‘ He may have done , we 'd not have heard him , ’ said the Leader , ‘ or thought he was shouting at the horses .
7 And , of course , he had — or thought he had — control of the Worm , the legend come alive .
8 After what he had told me , or thought he had told me , it must have seemed reasonable .
9 Experience such as Lexandro had gained , or thought he had gained , in the nerve-glove …
10 Preston knew what this was about now , or thought he did .
11 Many of them were predictably connected with the murder at the Turk 's Head and what he had seen , or thought he had seen , one night on the railway embankment that ran behind it .
12 ‘ Well , what Simon could or thought he could dispose of were the pictures .
13 Or thought he had .
14 He knew , or thought he did , what was right and what was wrong , and she was glad he did , or thought he did .
15 He knew , or thought he did , what was right and what was wrong , and she was glad he did , or thought he did .
16 When he was out with a group of other kids , playing kick-the-can or soldiers , he would often sneak away , so that they would never find him , or think he had fallen down a hole or into a burn or a loch .
17 Colin Montgomerie finished one ahead of Olazabal after a last round of 70 and thinks he has benefited much from his four weeks in the United States .
18 He 's so innocent he rhymes June and moon and thinks he 's original .
19 He 's also stupid and thinks he 's clever .
20 It 's when he is , and thinks he is n't : then there 's confusion .
21 He sticks like glue , and thinks he is masking his intentions .
22 Andrew ‘ Will ’ Williams , is 18-years-old and thinks he is lucky to have a Youth Training place with Saks , at Skinnergate , Darlington .
23 And bloody Scott runs rushing off and thinks he 's mister hard man .
24 And er he 's two years in the army and thinks he 'll stay because there 's no life here for anybody , so he 's gon na stay on .
25 But Howard insisted : ‘ Anyone who believes he can cruise along and think he will automatically be in the side against Halifax will be in for a shock .
26 But Howard insisted : ‘ Anyone who believes he can cruise along and think he will automatically be in the side against Halifax will be in for a shock .
27 I was always optimistic and thought he would come through . ’
28 ‘ The truth is that Patrick was partly terrified of Peter , who came up behind him and thought he knew better what he should do .
29 ‘ I looked down and thought he 'd let me fall too . ’
30 He was worried by the results , and thought he must be dying to have as feeble a pulse as that .
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