Example sentences of "[coord] make any " in BNC.

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1 Mr Steve Elsworth , Greenpeace air pollution campaigner , said : ‘ Britain 's contribution at the Dutch conference was to undermine efforts to set any date or make any real targets to deal with global warming .
2 She must do this with very great care , not spill it or make any sort of noise .
3 Several years after the sacking , it is difficult to assimilate conflicting evidence or make any real judgements .
4 The only light I use at night is a small torch which I can grip in my mouth while using both hands to bait up , sharpen or change hooks , or make any other adjustments to my tackle .
5 Judge Malachy Higgins , releasing Donnelly on continuing bail pending a trial date being fixed , told the accused that part of the bail conditions were that he must not attempt to see Janice Brothers , or speak to her or make any contact with her .
6 Reverse engineer , disassemble , decompile , translate , transfer , modify or make any attempt to discover the source code of the Program .
7 9.1.3 undertakes that it will promptly disclose to the other Parties and to the Secretary of State any facts or circumstances which come to its attention indicating or suggesting any infringement or material risk of infringement of any patent or other Intellectual Property Right of any other person not being a Party to this Agreement through the expected mode of use or exploitation of its own results or background provided always that this undertaking shall not be deemed to impose or imply any specific obligation to undertake any patent searches of intellectual property rights or make any enquiries .
8 The court , when hearing the petition , may dismiss the petition , adjourn the hearing , or make any order which it thinks fit .
9 ‘ The court shall not in any civil proceedings grant any injunction or make any order against an officer of the Crown if the effect of granting the injunction or making the order would be to give any relief against the Crown which could not have been obtained in proceedings against the Crown . ’
10 This method of deciding the right time to sow was recommended by Fitzherbert , the sixteenth-century writer on agriculture : ‘ go upon the land that is plowed and if it synge or crye or make any noise under they fete , then it is to wet to sowe .
11 It was one of those brilliantly simple ideas people always wish they had had themselves , and believe that somehow they could have had ; no need to incur any extra expense or make any more sizes than anybody else , or necessarily to distinguish one 's product in other way , yet just by the idea one has a potential market of half the jeans-buying public , or at least that proportion of it which has always felt that they are somehow perpetually between the usual sizes .
12 Accordingly , the parties agree that each of them will accept my decision on the matters referred to me hereunder as conclusive and binding and that neither will bring any action or proceeding or make any claim against me as expert relating to or arising from the performance of my duties hereunder .
13 Where a summons or other originating process has been served on a defendant by post or insertion in his letter-box under Ord 7 , 4 10(1) ( b ) or 4(a) or r 13(1) ( b ) or ( 4 ) and after judgment has been given or entered it appears to the court that the process did not come to the knowledge of the defendant in time , the court may of its own motion set aside the judgment and may give any direction or make any such order as the court may think just .
14 Once again , no party except ours seems to have grasped this simple point or made any proposal to act on it .
15 Although it was a great coup for the KGB , once the pair got to Moscow it is hard to see what they could have told the Russians that was not already known or made any great difference to East-West relations .
16 Such dissenters insist that human experiences are not improved , embellished or made any more endurable or enjoyable by invoking ‘ god ’ in some form or other .
17 There was widespread media criticism of the government for capitulating to the drug traffickers , but Gaviria denied that he had entered into negotiations or made any prior deal with Escobar as part of a policy to defuse the costly and violent " drug war " gripping the country .
18 For some reason it never occurred to me to lie or make any effort at all to save my invaluable little tin box .
19 She did n't stop me talking , but neither did she reply or make any comment on what I had to say .
20 Forward Publishing did not bother to reply or make any changes to their entry form .
21 Jenna stood perfectly still and felt unable to look away or make any sort of move .
22 So I pulled out my SG , and not plugged into anything or making any pretence towards collecting money , started to exercise my fingers scale-wise .
23 On a warm day , the instructions said , it would be sufficient for the horseman to place a few drops on his perspiring forehead to call his horses from a fair distance without saying a word , or making any sound .
24 I 'm not looking ahead or making any wild plans for the future . ’
25 The plaintiffs ' employee agreed to buy one of the paintings for £6,000 without asking any questions about the provenance of the paintings , or making any further inquiries about them .
26 This patient just wants to sit miserably by the fire , warming the back , or to lie tucked up cosily in bed , and does not want to move around or to make any effort whatsoever .
27 However a third party has normally no right to demand performance of an agreement , or to make any claim in the event of breach .
28 Tindal C.J. in that case gave as examples of permissible retaking by A from the land of an innocent person , C , ( a ) where the goods have come there by accident ; ( b ) where they have been feloniously taken by B and A follows them to C's land ; ( c ) where C refuses to deliver up the goods or to make any answer to A's demand for them .
29 Or to make any kind of demand .
30 He has no power to order discovery of documents or the attendance of witnesses or to make any order as to costs ( unless such power is expressly conferred on him by the lease ) ; and if he dies or becomes incapable or unwilling to continue , it is doubtful whether another expert could be appointed under the lease .
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