Example sentences of "[coord] make them " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Alternatively , a woman may have low self-esteem , feeling she can only impress others or make them like her by buying status symbols or the latest fashions .
2 Causton plans to alter the ends of the polymers to make them stick better to specific surfaces or make them attractive to only a particular protein .
3 You can freeze these buns or make them the day before and keep in an airtight container .
4 For example , strong tea , coffee , alcohol , fruit juice or highly spiced dishes can bring on Cystitis attacks or make them worse .
5 And they 'd come up and wait them but I 'd make them a cup of coffee or a cup of cocoa or something like that , there were n't coffee then cos we could n't afford coffee we used to have cocoa or make them a mug of tea .
6 Would it slow them down or make them more vicious ?
7 Mr Edwards also detects caution in employers who are recruiting : ‘ They hire people for a specific period , maybe one or two years , so that at the end of that time they can decide whether or not to renew their contract or make them redundant .
8 Although the case was ‘ exceptional ’ , due to the size of the financial crash , and a careful balance between the administrators ' reasonable needs and the oppression of the addressee was necessary , applications were not necessarily unreasonable because they were inconvenient to the addressee , caused a lot of work or made them vulnerable to future claims .
9 In the old days , life was simple in schools in the sense that if pupils did n't do what they were supposed to do you thrashed them , or made them stand in the corner , or expelled them .
10 ( Weed Research , vol 21 , p 233 ) Scurrula cordifolia is a mistletoe that attacks valuable fruit and timber trees , killing them or making them too deformed for commercial purposes .
11 This may involve suggesting such employees take early retirement or making them redundant .
12 To fill in the travelling time chant leaders are actively engaged in trying out new versions of old chants or making them up from scratch .
13 Many thought that training was a technique by the government to take people off the unemployment register or to make them feel that because they were ‘ trainees ’ they were not therefore ‘ unemployed ’ .
14 Now at the moment every doctor has in his desk a supply of what I call yellow cards , obviously because they 're yellow , which he 's asked to fill in if he thinks that a medicine which he has prescribed may have caused some nasty effect , for example to give the patient headaches , or to make them giddy , or to make them sick , or perhaps even something more serious than that .
15 Now at the moment every doctor has in his desk a supply of what I call yellow cards , obviously because they 're yellow , which he 's asked to fill in if he thinks that a medicine which he has prescribed may have caused some nasty effect , for example to give the patient headaches , or to make them giddy , or to make them sick , or perhaps even something more serious than that .
16 Each situation is then rated on a five point scale according to whether it just bothers them a little or makes them really angry .
17 The whole thing about a talk show is that you have to ask the questions that people are interested in — not in a way that puts the guest on the spot or makes them feel awkward — we 're not out to ‘ get ’ anyone , that 's not the idea of it at all — but certain things must be asked .
18 Since Legnani first danced the famous thirty-two fouettës in Swan Lake , it sometimes seems that choreographers lacking ideas for a spectacular finish to a solo , send the dancer spinning faster and faster round the stage , or set them centre stage and make them turn with increasingly difficult poses .
19 ‘ New entrants put pressure on existing companies and make them change their existing practices , ’ he said .
20 Let us go , says the second proposition , and find somebody else , some wise man who will be able to answer the unanswerable , who can tell us which are the sheep who can properly raise their prices , and which the goats who ought to keep their prices stable or lower them ; and then , when he tells us , we will all go and scream blue murder at the goats and make them thoroughly ashamed and sorry for themselves .
21 And make them your most accessible .
22 There is evidence that the body clock of ‘ larks ’ runs faster than average , so that there is a tendency for the clock to wake them up earlier — and make them feel tired earlier .
23 • Strengthen your daily time-cues and make them as reproducible from day to day as possible .
24 In Africa visitors are looked upon as a blessing and people go out of their way to meet them and make them feel truly welcome and at home .
25 ‘ I saw state policemen drag strikers across the road and make them kneel in the ditch there while they held shotguns in their backs .
26 But if you accept that carbon dioxide is a much More insidious threat and nuclear power is the one major supplier of energy that does not produce it , the issue begins to turn not so much on the dangerous unacceptibility of reactors but on how you regulate and make them safe and ensure that their fuel is not diverted for military purposes .
27 I have already drawn attention to the power there is in weakness and it is often the case that God is able to take ordinary weak things of this world and make them powerful for him .
28 Soon he will change those plans , and make them more elaborate .
29 His owner must not shampoo him while he 's knotty as it will tighten the knots and make them harder to remove .
30 If they 're wrongly placed they can blank out the screens and make them impossible to read .
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