Example sentences of "[coord] see [pers pn] " in BNC.

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31 This morning , inattentive to everything except the rhythmic ruffle of her rake in the fine gravel , and to the notes of the song she was la-la-ing quietly to herself as she worked , she did not notice Nicandra 's arrival , nor see her as she slipped round the corner of the house and pushed her way through the low branches of the Portugal laurels that screened Silly-Willie 's window from inquisitive visitors .
32 The social side of bridge may be what attracts to the game but here he can neither talk to nor see He bids with specially marked chips and passes his cards through a slot at the bottom of the screen .
33 Because to see someone is to see them as a human being and to see them as a human being is to acknowledge them as such .
34 I like to see things through to the finish — and to see them through successfully . ’
35 So did you go and to see her at erm often
36 And the sobbing began again , and to see her so defeated — remembering how gallant she had always been , even in the alley when she had attacked her assailant with her shoe — overwhelmed him .
37 During my annual medical check-up in 1987 , Dr Dingle discovered a blood irregularity , but as I was fighting fit he said it was probably just a virus and I was to forget about it during my impending holiday and to see him on my return for a second blood test .
38 I felt incredibly well , but he said to keep an eye on the swollen gland and to see him immediately if it grew in size .
39 He was unexpectedly a man of great gaiety and to see him at a dance was an absolute delight .
40 But not so ( we are told ) : Conservative advocates of tariffs and social reforms like old age pensions , wages councils , regulation of sweated trades were , Fforde argues , simply engaged in ‘ principled opportunism ’ ; this was ‘ not Collectivist Conservatism but expedient Conservatism ’ , and to see it as otherwise would be to allow oneself to be ‘ misled by manufactured appearances ' or what Fforde describes elsewhere as the gap between ‘ professed stance and true intention ’ .
41 It is the utopian dream of a Christian heresy and to see it as anything less than that is to totally misunderstand it .
42 I needed my own fairy-tale — my own legend — and to see it come true .
43 Certainly he seems to define active life in terms of outward works and to see it as inferior to the inward experience of contemplation : Some people are doubtful as to which life is the more meritorious and excellent , the contemplative or the active .
44 I am delighted to have the opportunity to raise on the Adjournment the question of adult education in Croydon , and to see you , Mr. Speaker , in the Chair , because you and I are privileged to represent constituencies in Croydon .
45 And to see 'em hanging out upstairs with the spooks in their tennis shorts — God , what a picture .
46 Aunt Nessy had been upstairs , but hearing voices she came down , and seeing me ran towards me , as lightly and softly as a little bouncing ball , her eyes full of love and welcome .
47 I thanked them for praying for me and seeing me now , hoped they thought their efforts worthwhile .
48 Quadratic equations were a great mystery to me , and seeing me struggle with a problem he would call me out and painstakingly take me step by step to a solution .
49 Looking back and seeing him trudging so patiently and you catch up , I can show you where Dad and I took the hare . ’
50 One of the photographers was Monty Fresco of the Daily Mirror , and seeing him there increased my anger threefold .
51 Pandarus , who had instructed Troilus — ‘ You must be witty ’ — seems to have infected the lovers with his fondness for dirty jokes ( in him , perhaps , a sign of impotence or disease ) , and seeing him again they are reminded of this and go up to verse for their protestations of love and fidelity ( 113ff . ) .
52 But everyone knows from hearing and seeing him , that he 's more like their dad : hard-working , dour and driven .
53 I remember lunching with him in that miserable dining-room in Wakefield and seeing him lost in contemplation of the " beautiful way in which the gravy formed a curve " on his plate — at least that was what he said he saw when I asked him !
54 It was a secret that made her even more different , because now that people were saying that she was turning into the dark beauty her mother had been , she knew much more about why men and women made babies , that it was n't because it was a duty to God but because they enjoyed it ; and seeing him in church every week , noticing that his voice was going deep and that her own body was changing too and that they were becoming man and woman made her think about him and long for him more and more : she wanted to have him completely , entirely for herself .
55 But I so need to be walking up the stairs and pushing open the studio door , and seeing him at his bench , looking over his shoulder at me , as if he 's not in the least interested to see who it is .
56 The only exception to this rule was Uncle Jack , who clearly had his sights set on several more whiskies when Charlotte insisted , at Ursula 's request , on driving him to the station and seeing him aboard the London train .
57 ‘ But on the other hand I do n't want her upset either , and seeing him would be the one thing guaranteed to do just that . ’
58 The judge knew this man of old : he was the pit-bull of the legal profession , attacking any weak spots with devastating precision , and seeing him ended the Judge 's faint glimmer of hope that he might just get home in time for the football .
59 spending an , an evening waiting for him and seeing him
60 She keeps hearing him and seeing him .
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