Example sentences of "[coord] do him " in BNC.

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1 He took her hand , not to kiss , but as he might have taken a man 's hand who had met him fair and done him honour .
2 His experience — his alleged experience — in that church is inexplicable , and to do him justice , he did n't attempt to explain it , at least not to me .
3 And he dight himself full gallantly and well , and took with him many knights , both his own and of his kindred and of his friends , and he took also many new arms , and came to Valencia to the King with two hundred of his peers in arms , in festival guise ; and the King went out to meet him , and received him right well , and did him honour ; and at this were all the Counts displeased .
4 But to do him justice , the Prime Minister never gave me any impression that he wanted me to succeed him … .
5 This is to certify that Color Serjeant Nicholl served in the Grenadier Company of the King 's Regiment for twenty one years , and being myself one of the Officers of the Company during the greatest part of that period , I have consequently had an opportunity for closely observing his character and conduct , therefore it is but doing him that justice which his uniformly good behaviour merits , to state that I have never ( in his station in life ) met with a more truly steady or strictly honest a man .
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