Example sentences of "[coord] i get " in BNC.

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1 Or I got a garden , I could occupy myself in the garden .
2 Or I get it off our old lady .
3 ‘ I ca n't get up or I get reprimanded .
4 I either come out on top or I get unstuck and get caught .
5 Or I get an L B.
6 ‘ Vel [ Miletich ] was keen on the programme , but neither he nor I got any psychological support from Parnelli . ’
7 ‘ Jack and me got married very quietly yesterday afternoon . ’
8 and me got in and
9 Matt and me getting edgier with one another off camera as well as on .
10 We pantomimed an exchange of flowers for phone , which resulted in her crushing about half a dozen carnations and me getting the phone cord wrapped around my neck .
11 He would love his mum and me to get together , and I ca n't pretend I would n't want to have him as my son .
12 Tony and I get up as quickly as we can , brushing the snow free from clothes before putting them on so that it will not melt with the heat from our bodies .
13 Odd-Knut fetches his first aid kit , and I get ours .
14 I try to go to sleep again , but I ai n't sleepy , and I get all fidgety .
15 There 's blood in your body , and I get to thinking about what would happen if your blood froze .
16 I think about Mr Jackson and I get a sort of uncomfortable feeling when I remember he was waiting for me at the house and I did n't come back .
17 We visit the charming sheep and I get a chance to wear my wellingtons after all .
18 One of my bigger irritations is when I have an enormously tight schedule taking me all over the country and I get calls — sometimes on my mobile phone when I 'm stuck in the middle of a field somewhere — insisting that it 's vitally important I attend a meeting that has just been scheduled for three o'clock that afternoon in London , which could easily have been planned at least two weeks earlier .
19 A sequence in which they knock me down and I get up .
20 So they knock me down and I shake my head and I get up .
21 The gangs are killing hobos for less than a dollar and I get 19 on my first try .
22 That 's just like my dad — he 's always on about what a struggle he had in the days of his youth and I get it all too easy .
23 Did n't he and I get drunk many a night together — ‘
24 I know that in the mundane , the thought of never having been understood or recognised rankles ; but the transcendent joy is the greater and I get instead the hidden flowers of sorrow of my own soul with their scent and their beauty .
25 Individually they are fine and I get on very well with most of them , but put them together in a group and they seem to have an attitude problem .
26 Anyway , where would Chris and I get , to do it ?
27 But think of this as us helping each other — you get the promotion , and I get to take out the most beautiful woman in the office ! ’ he winked .
28 The driver calls ‘ Loving ’ and I get off the bus … ’
29 He and I get along very well now .
30 I 've got to play some flamenco and bass on a couple of songs and I get to do lots of weird effects and things . ’
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