Example sentences of "[coord] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 8.2 A member of staff who has been assaulted or has received a threat of violence in the course of employment must report the incident to their line manager as soon as is practicable .
2 A litigant who seeks redress for a public law wrong in a private action must establish , in order to have standing , that the public law wrong has invaded some legal right of his or hers , recognized in private law , or has caused him or her some special damage .
3 For Israel 's way to be hidden Yahweh could mean that God can not see Israel 's way , or will not see Israel 's way , or has caused Israel not to be able to see its own way .
4 ( a ) a director or member of the body is or has been a director or member of a recognised body which has been the subject of an order or direction under paragraphs 18 or 21 of Schedule 2 to the Act or the recognition of which has been revoked under Rule 10 of these Rules or has expired under Rule 9 of these Rules ; or
5 Also , I mean one of the things that the Council is considering doing , I mean this interest , I know that other people from around this area come into Harlow , one of the things that the Council 's thinking about is erm , is charging , or has debated , charging different rates for people who are coming in than , than those who live here .
6 When a pet cat has started scratching the fabric of a valuable chair , for example , or has begun to make messes on an expensive carpet , it would be helpful to be able to sprinkle or smear some hated odour there to keep the animal away .
7 This point means that the stop line has been obliterated by mud , snow or rain etc. or has worn away .
8 War has frequently brought new nations into existence , as did the American War of Independence and many other wars fought for national liberation or unification , both earlier and later , or has destroyed old political systems ; and defeat in war has sometimes created conditions favourable to a successful internal revolution , as in Russia in 1917 , or to the emergence of independent nations from an imperial system , as in the Habsburg Empire in 1918 .
9 In contrast , if a wife has had her sixtieth birthday but her husband has not yet reached 65 ( or has decided to defer his retirement ) , she must wait until her husband retires to receive her share of the married couple 's pension .
10 Even with a common core curriculum , there will be enormous and perfectly explicable differences between children 's knowledge and abilities at these ages ( as anyone who has had more than one child of his own , or has taught a class of children will know ) .
11 ( ii ) has had a bankruptcy order made against him or has made a composition or arrangement with his creditors or has made a proposal for a voluntary arrangement under Part VIII of the Insolvency Act 1986 or is or has been a director of a company in respect of which an administration order under Part II of the Insolvency Act 1986 or a winding-up order has been made or in respect of which a resolution for voluntary winding up has been passed or which has made a proposal for a voluntary arrangement under Part I of the Insolvency Act 1986 or in respect of which a person has been appointed receiver or administrative receiver ; or
12 ( ii ) has had a bankruptcy order made against him or has made a composition or arrangement with his creditors or has made a proposal for a voluntary arrangement under Part VIII of the Insolvency Act 1986 or is or has been a director of a company in respect of which an administration order under Part II of the Insolvency Act 1986 or a winding-up order has been made or in respect of which a resolution for voluntary winding up has been passed or which has made a proposal for a voluntary arrangement under Part I of the Insolvency Act 1986 or in respect of which a person has been appointed receiver or administrative receiver ; or
13 If the patient has been referred to a hospital or has sought emergency treatment at a hospital , then he may proceed either against the negligent individual , the relevant Health Authority , or both .
14 Since there are four main types of housing tenure — renting from a local authority , owner-occupation , renting from a private landlord and renting from a housing association — and the government intervenes , or has intervened , to try to influence the quality and cost of each type , policy implementation is often a very complex matter .
15 It provides a simple and expeditious procedure for dealing with the situation where a constable believes that a person bailed is unlikely to surrender to custody , or alternatively , that a person bailed is likely to break a condition of his bail , or has broken a condition of his bail .
16 Further , the terms of section 7(5) of the Act of 1976 are clear and they are mandatory in form , to the extent that if the justice is not of the opinion that the person is not likely to surrender to custody , or has broken or is likely to break any condition of his bail , the justice has to grant him bail subject to the same conditions , if any , as were originally imposed .
17 These Part II privileges are " subject to explanation and contradiction " — which means that they will not apply where an editor or programme controller has refused the plaintiff 's request to publish a reasonable statement in reply , or has done so in an inadequate manner .
18 If , on a sale of unregistered land , there is any personal obligation on the part of a seller-client to observe restrictions ( as , for example , where the seller is the original covenantor or has given a personal covenant to observe these ) , it is desirable to provide in the contract for a similar covenant indemnifying the seller against any future breach .
19 It will , however , consider whether the Panel has observed the basic rules of natural justice and has observed its own procedural rules and whether it has been guilty of any irrationality or has misdirected itself in law ( see Datafin ) .
20 This experience of combining special make-up with puppets or models , unusual in Smith 's career , nonetheless illustrates the peculiar calling of a special-effects make-up artist , and the variety of skills he ( occasionally she ) needs or has to call on to do the job .
21 If you have not been contact with someone for some time and do not have a directory which is updated frequently , a quick phone call tell you whether your contact is still there or has moved on .
22 Or somebody has stood up and done their best for their particular community or somebody 's stood up and done their best to Or has moved to somewhere .
23 Post Office and many houses , there are also earthworks indicating that the village has formerly been larger or has moved .
24 Judicial review does lie to the visitor in cases where he has acted outside his jurisdiction in the sense that he did not have the power under the regulating documents to enter into the adjudication of the dispute , or has abused his power , or has acted in breach of the rules of natural justice ( post , pp. 1114F–G , G–H , 1125H , 1126C–D , 1129H — 1130A ) .
25 Ah , right , erm Tony 's organizing erm , or has organized , we 're hiring a mini bus and we 're using
26 This may be because the client has misinformed the agency , or has redefined your duties prior to your arrival .
27 Priority between applications is partly based on frequency of paid training in past and partly on use made of attendances on return , e.g. wrote good report , organised something similar here which worked or has stimulated others to develop the ideas expressed there ’ .
28 An implication of the last point is that even when the initial exposure to the stimulus has been prolonged or has involved repeated presentations , it should be possible to detect some loss of the latent inhibition effect over time , provided the interval before the start of conditioning is long enough .
29 So far the process of grief that has been outlined is how people might react to the loss of someone they love , whether that person has died or has gone out of their life for good .
30 We guarantee to meet claims from readers made in accordance with the above procedure as soon as possible after the advertiser has become subject to bankruptcy proceedings , or has gone into liquidation , up to a limit of £16,000 per annum for any one advertiser so affected , and up to £48,000 in respect of all advertisers .
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