Example sentences of "[coord] not on " in BNC.

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1 Do you think it would be a good idea to privatize planning control in the sense of letting it be up to developers to choose whether they should go ahead or not on the basis of what they conceive to be constraints , or that that should be within the entire realm of the local planning authority ?
2 It suggested that submission obtained by threats other than of violence might suffice for rape and held that it should be left to the jury , with adequate direction from the judge , to make up its mind whether or not on the facts of each case the woman had truly consented .
3 ie. Whether DCs referencing the module are to be automatically assessed as agreed or not on behalf of the module manager .
4 I do n't know whether our colleagues would agree or not on that .
5 no , no , I , I , I just really want , cos I do n't think there 's any question of me this afternoon ruling on whether you 're right or not on these points , but I just er on second I thoughts I want to have them in mind
6 ‘ But even if you knew beforehand who was going to get — say — the fifth plate , how could you put poison on it and not on the other plates ? ’
7 This is when a phrase finishes on the second ( or weak ) and not on the first or third beat of a final bar .
8 Academics , like accountants , should be on tap , and not on top . ’
9 Supervision of subordinates ‘ is focussed on bureaucratic procedures and not on the quality of service at the point of delivery to the public . ’
10 He began to see that God was not a tyrant but a loving Father ; he began to see that the Christian life was not a series of impossible demands to satisfy the whims of an unreasonable employer ; he began to see that he was welcome because of who he was , and not on the basis of what he could achieve .
11 There had always been an inclination among ministers to preach on their Nonconformity and not on their Christianity and to end up ‘ talking politics ’ .
12 So will any sensible person who realises that the strength of an economy and the standard of living depend on the ability to sell goods and services , and not on monetary tinkering .
13 Since most university students work from books to hand and find it impracticable to wait for inter-library loan requests — and you can not browse an inter-library loan book before it arrives , any more than you can browse the contents of books in the memory of an ‘ on-line ’ catalogue and not on a shelf in front of you — the result is a major diminution of standards .
14 Emphasis should be — and surely was intended to be — on the fact of breakdown , and not on the formal technicalities of establishing such breakdown .
15 Moreover , part of a nation 's wealth is spent on investment goods , and not on consumption goods ; these are therefore also included in the calculation .
16 Most transport investment has gone on road construction and not on public transport .
17 On most occasions he refers to them to underscore a particular fundamental truth and if evolution is true and creation is simply a myth then some great biblical truths are built on sinking sand and not on solid rock .
18 In these cases people focus on their own best interests and not on those of the organization as a whole .
19 Thus , along with several of his contemporaries at the Palace , Ronnie Dunn was only really appreciated by the Palace fans and not on the bigger stages that his prowess deserved .
20 First , the analogy itself is rather stretched since many local government services , particularly in education and welfare , unlike those delivered by central government ( for example , through social security ) , have always been based on discretion and variation between individuals and not on standardization in accordance with clearly identified rules .
21 This practice should be based on proven principles , acceptable to all , and not on routine and ritual .
22 Green would go to Low Wood for bowling , and also enjoyed hunting — and it must be remembered that hunting in the Lake District is on foot and not on horseback !
23 JOCKEY CLUB ROOMS — only available on selected days and not on Newmarket Racedays .
24 Even if a job spreads over several days , the first half hour rate should be charged on the first day and not on the others .
25 Each professor has a right to money and manpower resources depending only on his level of seniority and not on his track record in research .
26 The effect is on memory and not on motor ability itself .
27 The message is : — The giving of help to ‘ backward ’ peoples must be based on a genuine desire to share the quality of life enjoyed by the givers , and not on an intention to indoctrinate with some orthodox religion .
28 The problem with approaching children 's reading from a ‘ classics ’ approach — identify the best , the books ‘ of transparently permanent greatness ’ ( Rosenheim , 1980 , p.5 1 ) and give them to the children — is that it places emphasis on the book , on the literary work , and not on the needs and tastes of the individual reader .
29 I thought that Carl could be right about this — better to get out , relax and concentrate on what I was doing and not on anybody else .
30 Ronald Dworkin , Oxford Professor of Jurisprudence , clarifies this fundamental principle that concern for the rights of others must rest on their own personal welfare and not on some sense of the ‘ general benefit ’ :
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