Example sentences of "[coord] not of " in BNC.

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1 Aesthetes among the novices will by now be thoroughly irritable and complaining that gardens should have as much to do with the soul as with the necessity or not of a washing line or a barbecue pit .
2 Before the advent of bactericidal therapy no penalty to survival would be related to the production or not of symptoms .
3 By using years of different lengths , depending on the insertion or not of an intercalary month , reasonable agreement with the sun was maintained .
4 Whether conscious or not of their own envy , the people in the most difficulty are those who feel they have been born the wrong sex — suspicious , or even quite clear , that their parents desperately wanted them to be the boy or girl they were not .
5 In general the availability of charity varied with the existence or not of a resident bourgeoisie with a surplus to give , although a considerable amount was given by those with little to spare .
6 One of the most obvious places to start looking for the existence or not of inequality between different social groups is the amount of income that people earn , since money is so important in our society .
7 Then the front door bell rang and while Rupert went to answer it a somewhat uneasy conversation started up between the two women and Everard Bone about his wife 's flu and the likelihood or not of his catching it from her .
8 Provisions for obsolete and slow moving stock will be determined by the directors based on physical and recorded stock levels but the presence or not of a part number on an item of stock or the recording or not of the item on the stock records will not of itself be any be any form of guide as to obsolescence .
9 Provisions for obsolete and slow moving stock will be determined by the directors based on physical and recorded stock levels but the presence or not of a part number on an item of stock or the recording or not of the item on the stock records will not of itself be any be any form of guide as to obsolescence .
10 We agree with Bremner et al and with Spechler and Goyal et al , who stated that the established Barrett 's oesophagus represents the true cases and that ‘ creeping substitute ’ or developing Barrett 's oesophagus should be carefully followed up in order to determine the progression or not of these lesions .
11 For a start , much of that earlier patronage was for the benefit of the patrons and not of the public .
12 It also isolated how he has approached the tricky transfer to the screen : ‘ Theatre is the art of suggestion and not of statement … the cinema has to produce complete images . ’
13 It concerned naturalization : under what conditions should people , born abroad and not of Libyan parents , be allowed to take Libyan nationality ?
14 The question is one of degree and not of kind , for , were Christianity not to some extent shaped by those cultures in which it existed , it would not speak a language understood by the majority of those whom it addressed .
15 Against this was the tradition that Nonconformity was the religion of ‘ the people ’ and not of the ‘ privileged classes ’ .
16 This was the voice of the ‘ grass roots ’ and not of the annual meetings in London .
17 These privileges were enjoyed by the king 's grace , and not of right ; various payments in money , produce or labour service were made for them .
18 He thought he knew Ash fairly well , as well as anyone might know a man whose life seemed to be all in his mind , who lived a quiet and exemplary married life for forty years , whose correspondence was voluminous indeed , but guarded , courteous and not of the most lively .
19 It had become a creation of the press and not of himself .
20 Tests at elevated humidities are normally tests of the pack and not of the product , i.e. , the contents .
21 Because this is a test of observation and not of memory , make sure you look at each item in relation to the others , noticing not simply the objects themselves but the pattern they form on the tray .
22 This was a man entirely under the sway of the Eternal and not of the material .
23 For those that understand such terminology it might be said that the remedies work at the level of energy and not of matter .
24 A novel theory about the origin of oil suggests that it is actually a product of the earth 's core , and not of living organisms at all , but this is not widely accepted .
25 Thus the ambiguity in the biblical use of unbelief is a sign of psychological astuteness and not of theological confusion .
26 The exquisite fragrance we like to remember is a product of the ripened maturity of their faith and not of its earlier stages .
27 It is an activity of the brave and strong and not of the cowardly , for ‘ Cowardice and Ahimsā do not go together any more than water and fire . ’
28 It has been referred to as the weapon of the strong and not of the weak .
29 I have to acknowledge too that since you ought to be aware from your fellow 's viewpoints and incline towards their benefit as well as your own , and ought also to be aware that individuals can not benefit themselves or each other by community without agreeing on common rules , the rules you follow in acting towards your fellows should be those of your community and not of mine .
30 Secondly , there can be no sense in insisting that the universe is composed of matter and not of ch'i .
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