Example sentences of "[coord] hold [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Limited by what , in a recession , it could realistically claim to be spending , and obliged to exaggerate its fiscal rectitude to appear electable in the City , Labour had either to trim its sails to an economic situation it assured us was dire — thereby undermining the main reason why people supported them — or hold to its promises , confirming the impression that , once the party was in power , taxation and spending would soar .
2 Her arms she knows not whether to swim with or to hold before her .
3 Usually , this is mounted on a block of wood , which can be fixed to a bench or held between the knees .
4 When toddler and baby both need to be carried or held at all times , how do you get the luggage and buggy off the train ?
5 Select reference books and other information materials , eg in classroom collections or the school library or held on a computer , and use organisational devices , eg chapter titles , subheadings , typeface , symbol keys , to find answers to their own questions .
6 This is the most difficult and time-consuming stage of the work , and its effectiveness depends upon making good use of bibliographies , whether these are printed or held on databases .
7 The Funding Council shall not — ( a ) be regarded as the servants or agents of the Crown ; ( b ) have any status , immunity or privilege of the Crown , and their property shall not be regarded as property of , or held on behalf of , the Crown .
8 Given , stolen , or held pending trial ?
9 Ideally , the carrier should be easy to attach to the kiteline , either by capstan fitting , as shown for the camera carrier on page 75 , or held by a stop on the line with pigs ' tail wire wound links that allow the line to be worked into the central core .
10 The Grand Prince could confer lucrative posts in the army and provincial government as well as new grants of land confiscated , unoccupied , or held by mere peasants .
11 The inquiry , headed by Justice Michael Kempster , found that " the initiative was not swiftly seized or held by the police " .
12 ( c ) Access to records One of the guardian 's most important functions is to investigate the case and he is given a right of access to social work records compiled or held by the local authority and the NSPCC ( s42 ) .
13 This form of government stock can be , if held directly , ‘ as safe as the Bank of England ’ — although that certainty disappears if the gilts are not sold before maturity or held in a managed fund .
14 for loss of or damage to property belonging to or held in trust by or in the custody or control of the Insured Person ( other that self catering accommodation where only the first £50 of any loss or damage is excluded ) ;
15 These can be mounted on a stand or held in the hand , and are available in both electret and dynamic types and with both ‘ omni ’ and ‘ uni ’ pick-up patterns .
16 if worn with a chin cup attached to or held in position by a strap or other fastening provided on the helmet , is provided with an additional strap or other fastening ( to be fastened under the wearer 's jaw ) for securing the helmet firmly to the head of the wearer ; and
17 With most of the Russian plutonium in weapons , either ready for service or held in reserve , control of materials could be maintained by locking up bombs .
18 damage to property other than property belonging to the Policyholder or held in trust by or in the custody or control of the Policyholder .
19 in respect of damage to property belonging to or held in trust by or in the custody or control of the person claiming to be indemnified under this Section
20 Custodial Investments are essentially bearer instruments and readily disposable investments held for a client and which are neither the subject of a discretionary management agreement nor held in connection with any personal appointment and which the firm can sell without the client needing to authorise such sale .
21 This characteristic is quite general and holds for geodesics in spaces that are less symmetric than that of a sphere , and in spaces of hi–her dimension .
22 Secondly , this was conditional upon Louis IX of France ceding to Henry all rights ‘ that he has and holds in these three dioceses and three cities : that is to say , Limoges , Cahors and Périgueux , in fiefs and in domains ’ .
23 As Devon Loch struggled up there was still time for him to get going again and hold off E.S.B. , but his hind legs seemed not to function and he could not move on .
24 The Borderers , coached by Jim Telfer , beat Glasgow High/Kelvinside 27–16 at the Greenyards in their final game to win the major championship and hold off Edinburgh Academicals ' challenge , Kelso , relegated last season , moved back up to the first division .
25 Return to the third eye position and this time press your thumbs down quite firmly ( your partner will soon tell you if it is too hard ) and hold for about three seconds .
26 Bend from the waist , first to the left until you feel the stretch along upper arms , and hold for 10 counts , then to the right .
27 From here , raise the arms slightly higher and hold for 1 second .
28 Push and stretch that upper arm just a little further and hold for 1 second .
29 Stretching up with hands interlinked , tilt the pelvis and hold for 5 counts .
30 Now push and stretch that arm just a little further and hold for 1 second .
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