Example sentences of "[coord] ask them " in BNC.

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1 They were amused by the way she consumed endless bowls of ice-cream or asked them to make her special snacks in between the normal meals .
2 When I asked the headmistress of a junior school my daughter had been attending about the racist remarks children at the school had been making her answer was well-meaning and typical : ‘ Asking them to say thank you and please or asking them not to swear is one thing but asking them not to say ‘ nigger ’ or ‘ wog ’ or ‘ black people stink ’ is quite another .
3 Perhaps she could have continued the conversation by offering to move the boxes or asking them how much more room they needed , and how it could be found .
4 trying to establish whether the young person is ‘ really gay ’ , or asking them to prove it ;
5 I mean we ca n't go into the private market and expect them or asking them to provide houses erm affordable houses as I say the question is what 's an affordable house , who 's got the money to buy the house I would presume , but obviously we know the situation is it 's the lower rent of market , the lower income groups and the unemployed that are suffering very much reasonable accommodation at a rent or at a price they can afford and I reckon this is what hopefully the government was after to say whether we 'll put in our policy and hope that we can get things .
6 Cocooned in an ivory tower of antique furniture and unfinished jigsaw puzzles , she spends an inordinate amount of time doing simple things like pouring hot water into a teapot ; then she gets on the telephone to her friends and either hangs up just as they reach the receiver or asks them if they would n't mind coming round to tea and picking up some skate from the fishmonger on the way .
7 The Flemyngs would be away , no doubt , ‘ at a banquet in Perth ’ , and they were ; a butler spoke to them from an upper window and asked them would they kindly leave a message so they marked the house with dirt and rotten potatoes while the servants rushed to bar the shutters over the windows .
8 But dozens of representatives shouted ‘ Yes ’ when he recalled the European election campaign and asked them : ‘ Can any of us say in all honesty that we did everything we could ? ’
9 And in this new structure , where the prime minister 's secretary popped out of holes and asked them what they thought , they had a better chance than any previous dean and chapter .
10 The two of them clung together , soggily , hugging closer and closer until Rachel knocked on the door and asked them to come out .
11 Then went to the Citizen 's Advice Bureau ( CAB ) at Wembley , as my husband had suggested , and asked them for information about how to join a union .
12 To embroider the sampler , we turned to some multiple agencies and asked them for their recommendations of good value on a £1,000 booking for four people .
13 I took each upon my knee and told them that Mamma is gone to Heaven to God Almighty , and asked them both to promise me that they would try to be good children and follow their mother to that happy place … ‘
14 When they arrived the place was empty — — it was early evening — except for ‘ two street toughs in camel-hair coats ’ sitting at a table ; ‘ and they were fairly easy to distinguish , and I think we walked up and asked them if they were — and — , and they said yes . ’
15 One of the field commanders , Edgar Chamorro , continually nagged by Fernandez to get into Nicaragua and fight , at last decided to venture 30 metres inside to attack a border post ; heavy fire drove him back and , retreating to a pay phone , he called the CIA in Langley , Virginia and asked them to send mortars .
16 The hotel staff felt sorry for the Garda and asked them round to the back door , where they handed out tots of whiskey .
17 Towards noon on 5th October , Howard 's treaty Nez Perce scouts Captain John and Old George carried a white flag to the fugitives ' lines and asked them to make peace .
18 On 18 August it met with the Health Authority 's officials and asked them to conduct a public health survey which it would pay for , mainly to reassure the public that , although the EC limits for aluminium had been exceeded over 500 times , and those for sulphate , copper , zinc and lead had also been broken , there was no long-term harm .
19 She was getting better at knowing what to do when people were sick and asked them how it had happened .
20 With this in mind , I sent my plans to the Special Air Service Regiment , reputedly the best collective authority in Britain on desert survival , and asked them to comment .
21 When the crowds had left after the second home match , Chapman met the helpers in the stand and asked them to take him on trust , asserting that the changes were in the club 's interest .
22 He introduced his father , a tubby , good-natured little man , and asked them if they would like a lift into Plymouth .
23 They were always touching each other ; they fucked the lecturers and asked them for money for drugs .
24 He 's talking about the time I approached them at Leeds Poly and asked them why their logo featured women 's breasts rather than the species-ist cow 's udders I made them change it to .
25 We asked them if they had vomited or abused laxatives and asked them to record their weight on a weekly basis .
26 She was n't keen on her three rather quieter children being involved , and asked them to return home from the farm if the W children arrived to play .
27 We blindfolded girlfriends Dawn Morris , Sinachi Ubbar , Claire Barrack , Jane Gibson , Maxine Davies and Adele Rogers and asked them to sniff out their boyfriends ' shirts .
28 In the meantime , in order to prepare to work the system themselves , the Corporation wished to be rid of the fifteen cars that were the property of the B.E.T. , and asked them to remove them forthwith .
29 If his father had n't been so bloody-minded and had let him use the family car , he would no doubt have gone down alone and come back next day , having called on some estate agent in Hadleigh or Sudbury and asked them to sell the house for him , the very one probably that he had gone to in the following year .
30 We got together a jury of 13 good hairdressers and asked them to nominate the hairdresser they most admired .
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