Example sentences of "[coord] ask [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But no one had any suggestions ; almost everything had been tried , or asked for , or abandoned .
2 Or asked for it .
3 Aitken did not tell Fraser of any suggestion of confidentiality since , as he later affirmed , he did not believe that any undertaking had been given or asked for .
4 He had accosted her in a public place , and yet she had n't screamed , or run , or asked for help .
5 He has a habit of giving me messages for my dad or asking about the family that does n't go down well .
6 Decide whether you will give up your old payoffs , such as blaming other people , feeling sorry for yourself , or asking for love by creating problems .
7 Try to recognize your needs , and try to spend time fulfilling them or asking for them .
8 Putting a case more forcefully or asking for greater involvement from others is likely to get attention for your content rather than for your new style .
9 When I got home I found , among the mountain of letters ( mainly telling me I had filled in a blue form when it should have been a yellow one or asking for information I had already given ) , one from the BBC asking me to get in touch with the Punters office in Bristol as soon as possible .
10 Prompts : nodding , saying ‘ yes ’ or ‘ mmm ’ , or asking for clarification ‘ What happened next ? ’ will all encourage the speaker to continue .
11 Equally , we would seldom be likely to use the word acrobatic of acrobats themselves or their doings except , precisely , on occasions when they are exercising their special skills — the rest of the time we may speak of them , if a description is needed at all , as large , or rich , or charming , as standing on his dignity , or asking for black coffee , or younger than Aunt Mary , and so on .
12 The depression of last week had lifted like a fever passing when the patient sleeps or asks for food .
13 To contact the social services department , look in your local telephone directory under the name of your local council ( county or metropolitan borough ) , or ask at the library , town hall or Citizens Advice Bureau .
14 Opening hours are erratic , but the church is open for Mass on Saturdays at 20.00 or ask at the Archbishop 's Palace .
15 However , any business which would like a free copy should contact 0800 777888 free , or ask at any NatWest branch .
16 If not , ask friends or colleagues for a personal recommendation ; or ask at your nearest Citizens Advice Bureau or Law Centre ; or consult one of the directories available which list all solicitors .
17 If not , ask friends or colleagues for a personal recommendation ; or ask at your nearest Citizens Advice Bureau or Law Centre ; or consult one of the directories available which list all solicitors .
18 If not , ask friends or colleagues for a personal recommendation ; or ask at your nearest Citizens Advice Bureau or Law Centre ; or consult one of the directories available which list all solicitors .
19 If not , ask friends or colleagues for a personal recommendation ; or ask at your nearest Citizens Advice Bureau or Law Centre ; or consult one of the directories available which list all solicitors .
20 If not , ask friends or colleagues for a personal recommendation ; or ask at your nearest Citizens Advice Bureau or Law Centre ; or consult one of the directories available which list all solicitors .
21 If not , ask friends or colleagues for a personal recommendation ; or ask at your nearest Citizens Advice Bureau or Law Centre ; or consult one of the directories available which list all solicitors .
22 If not , ask friends or colleagues for a personal recommendation ; or ask at your nearest Citizens Advice Bureau or Law Centre ; or consult one of the directories available which list all solicitors .
23 If not , ask friends or colleagues for a personal recommendation ; or ask at your nearest Citizens Advice Bureau or Law Centre ; or consult one of the directories available which list all solicitors .
24 If not , ask friends or colleagues for a personal recommendation ; or ask at your nearest Citizens Advice Bureau or Law Centre ; or consult one of the directories available which list all solicitors .
25 If not , ask friends or colleagues for a personal recommendation ; or ask at your nearest Citizens Advice Bureau or Law Centre ; or consult one of the directories available which list all solicitors .
26 Look in your area trade directory to see where you can hire a machine with a dustbag attachment , or ask at your local hardware or DIY store .
27 With over 6,5OO voluntary reresentatives across Britain , any eligible person need only look in their local telephone directory or ask at the Citizens Advice Bureau for the nearest SSAFA office and write one letter or make one call .
28 Some hemiplegic patients are incontinent , either because they have poor sensation and can not feel when the bladder or bowel needs to be emptied , or because they do not pay attention and so forget to go to the toilet , or ask to be taken .
29 Whenever you ask a question of clarification or ask for information nine times out of ten clarification or information is forthcoming .
30 There is a lot to be learnt from standing back and observing the way a child plays with shape and form , but it may be that the child will want to talk about it afterwards , or ask for help to find particular shape materials as he works .
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