Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb infin] he " in BNC.

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1 It was MacQuillan 's way of letting Pascoe know he was to leave , he said .
2 Only now , after fully a year in charge , does Stainrod believe he has a settled side .
3 Signe had gone to a lot of trouble to make Harvey feel he was back home in America .
4 WHO THE fuck does Buddy Reynolds think he is ?
5 WHO THE fuck does Buddy Reynolds think he is ?
6 He let Sarazen know he could straighten out his game for him ‘ before the bell rings ’ , caddies ' parlance for before the tournament-proper starts .
7 Did Alan know he was n't Donna 's father ?
8 ‘ You are at the edge of the first forest , ’ Wyn-rajathuk told her ; there was something about the expression on his wounded face , the slight edginess of his good eye , that made Tallis suspect he was holding back .
9 She would tell her twin about Berenice 's baby , and if she knew her sister , she would make Garry see he must return to his wife .
10 And in a vain attempt to make Williams jump he said , ‘ I rather think we may have to tighten up on one or two things round here . ’
11 Did n't Serafin say he was her husband ?
12 Ruth 's sense of uneasiness was stronger than ever ; it was the first time she had ever heard Connor say he felt tired .
13 How did Lee think he could see where he was pointing to in the dark ?
14 Not until he galloped Grye into Burford did Seb realise he had no idea where the doctor lived .
15 It was this that made Seb resolve he would not let the matter drop .
16 Just who the hell did Bliss think he was ?
17 What in hell 's name did Rossendale think he was doing ?
18 At breakfast , having walked the governor 's garden , they talked to a couple of officers who had fought the Indians in America , making Johnson wish he lived there so that he could write a book about them .
19 Yeah he did go I heard Judy go he said I said Ooh .
20 Fen smiled — a fleeting , secretive smile that made Robbie think he must be reminiscing about incidents on that walk — probably the overnight bits .
21 ‘ Does Lady Merchiston know he was here ? ’
22 Did Mr Oakley mean he was going to have a room to himself ?
23 Liberal Democrat MP Simon Hughes on the Lamont affair WHEN he goes to see a Shakespeare play he wants to know what happens at the end .
24 And who did David Kent think he was anyway , waltzing in like this , and telling her who she should choose for her friends ?
25 ‘ It was right and proper to let Paul know he would be playing . ’
26 Did n't Tumbleweed say he 'd been to the fair before ?
27 So just who did Luke think he was , behaving like the father in some Victorian novel ?
28 WHO does Stuart Pearce think he is ?
29 What time did Thomas say he 'd be down , half three ?
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