Example sentences of "[noun prp] [to-vb] he " in BNC.

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1 Then , make sure Stevie ate his bread , watch Gary to see he did n't pinch the beans off Jenny 's plate , talk to Patrick to see he did n't fall asleep again and keep an eye out for fights , punches , kicks under the table and flying crusts .
2 Then , make sure Stevie ate his bread , watch Gary to see he did n't pinch the beans off Jenny 's plate , talk to Patrick to see he did n't fall asleep again and keep an eye out for fights , punches , kicks under the table and flying crusts .
3 As a full stomach makes it even harder for a baby with RDS to breathe he was n't able to feed for the first few days and relied on the drip .
4 As well as Sunday 's League match , there is an Italian Cup tie the following Wednesday for Gazza to prove he 's in a good enough condition to make some contribution against Norway .
5 It transpired that nothing dramatic had happened since they had left : tests on pairs of scissors at TVL headquarters were getting under way and Hugh Parnham , the third candidate for the Inside Out presenter 's job , had phoned from Scotland to say he would be back in London the next day for an interview .
6 In January , Donleavy called from Washington to say he had met with Hurley and his people to discuss Coleman 's assignment to NARCOG Nicosia , and if he still wanted the job , he should collect the family 's travel expenses and airline tickets from the DEA 's Birmingham field office .
7 When I got back , I found a card from Ivy asking me to lunch — yesterday — Thursday ; and John had written to Ivy to say he thought I could go , and so I did , and she was pleased to have the loukoumi .
8 ‘ Her English is good , ’ Myeloski continued , warning Duncan to ensure he did n't converse in Russian .
9 ( To avoid getting bogged down with routine reporting at the expense of his DIA mission , he had telexed Ms Starnes from Zurich to say he had been denied entry , a diplomatic untruth that still gives him a twinge when he thinks of it . )
10 Mr Sugar said he would be applying for a ‘ security of costs ’ ruling from the courts to force Mr Venables to prove he could afford to pay costs of this order .
11 Lee Don Lau called his parents in Singapore to say he was sorry for what he had done .
12 Last May just days before his finals he telephoned his mother in Singapore to say he 'd taken 200 pills .
13 Most of the criticism has been pretty tame , though one dissident , Colonel Bui Tinh , a revolutionary hero , waited until he got to Paris to say he believed the draft documents were ‘ totally out of contact with reality ’ .
14 It would also allow Mr Lamont to show he does not contemplate any deliberate devaluation of sterling .
15 Phat was Duclos ' particular favourite among the cai because the ruthless sadism with which he disciplined his fellow coolies was matched by the utter servility he showed to Duclos to ensure he retained both his approval and the necessary stamp of his authority .
16 Phat counted the strokes , darting an occasional glance at Duclos to ensure he retained his approval .
17 ‘ I shall write to director general John Birt to suggest he keeps a closer watch on how public money is being spent . ’
18 In his letter asking Theo to come he mentioned a novel of Dickens , Hard Times , as one which had particularly impressed him .
19 We were waiting for Alfred to drop he gun , I do n't know how we knew he had one but we knew , and slowly he took it out of his waist and dropped it .
20 ‘ I understand your feelings , Li Yuan , ’ Tsu Ma answered him , smiling at the old T'ang to show he was not offended by his son 's interruption .
21 A day later , though , he called Susan to say he had checked out of the hospital .
22 He telephoned his secretary from Heathrow to say he was boarding a flight for New York . ’
23 By December 1761 the observations and modifications of several years ' practical experience led Sutton to believe he had perfected his method .
24 George knew that if he left Lennie to speak he would mess up everything and that would be the end of their job .
25 It is now up to Ferguson to prove he is doing something more than repeating a cliched defence .
26 Although he failed in his main aim of forcing the Count of Toulouse to submit he did succeed in capturing Cahors and the Quercy .
27 The judge at that hearing , Mr Justice Chadwick , said it was no answer for Mr Maxwell to say he signed the forms in reliance on the signature of his brother Kevin .
28 One day the hospital rang Mrs Britton to say he had died , and to pass on the news to me .
29 Belcher si not a great beer-drinker either , but for Morse and Dexter there 's no better way of ending the day at the pub , one of their favourite haunts is the Kings Arms where you might even get Dexter to admit he might actually share one or two of his creation 's habits .
30 She did n't want Dr Russell to feel he had to help her with her luggage when it was so obvious that he and Faye wanted to talk privately about the sonogram .
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