Example sentences of "[pers pn] will just " in BNC.

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1 So I 'll just list them :
2 ‘ I think I 'll just ring Phyllis Locombe-Stableford … ’
3 I 'll just fuck off and forget it .
4 I 'll just finish up in the kitchen . ’
5 I think I 'll just watch . ’
6 If not , well I 'll just be me — an individual .
7 Vivienne would pick them up and say , it 's alright I 'll just wash them down and put them back on the rack .
8 I 'll tell you what I 'll do , I 'll just pop down the corridor and borrow some from Mrs. Goodwin in number four .
9 I think I 'll just give the hospital a ring and then I 'll go up to bed . ’
10 It 'd be real easy — I 'd just say to myself ‘ Well , I think I 'll just pop over and see Marie today ’ , and five minutes later I 'd be there and we could have tea together , then if I did n't want to stay the night I 'd just fly into the sky again and stay there .
11 It 's OK , doc , I 'll just take an aspirin , ’ said another .
12 ‘ If that 's the way you take it , ’ Arty said , ‘ I 'll just have to leave it all to the ould fellow . ’
13 When I do n't achieve something that I want to achieve , I 'll just keep on until I do .
14 ‘ If I can take out a £420 loan and have ten years to pay it back , I 'll just pick up the cheque and go out and get ratted , ’ he said .
15 ‘ What happens is that maybe I 'll just see the shape of some chords , or where my fingers should be on the frets .
16 I 'll just have a word with him , Chief Inspector .
17 I 'll just go and tidy up . ’
18 I 'll just go and check the front room first . ’
19 I 'll just turn the cow out , ’ Jinny muttered .
20 If the frost comes early , I 'll just have to bring them into the airing cupboard wo n't I ? ’
21 I 'll just go and dump this .
22 I 'll just lie about who we are , if they do n't . ’
23 I 'll just nip next door to the booking office and check the Old Guard — ease springs and inspect their rifles like .
24 I 'll just ignore him .
25 Now , if you lie back on the cushions , I 'll just hook you up to an enhancement device so we can share the experience . ’
26 So I 'm ready , and content , and I 'll just wait for him . ’
27 Many girls were saying to me , ‘ I ca n't cope with having breasts , the hassle it brings , the fear of rape or the jokes and remarks from boys , the idea that I must be a slag or a ‘ goer ’ , so rather than try to deal with the whole world ( which I ca n't ) , I 'll just turn all my anger inwards against myself , against the thing I can control : my body . ’
28 ‘ All right , then , I 'll just put my own . ’
29 I 'll just bet it is , kid , ’ the clerk said with a fake smile .
30 ‘ This is one of my favourite shows , so if you 're going to tell me a bunch of big lies about what happened to your legs , well , I 'll just go back to watching my show . ’
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