Example sentences of "[pers pn] at last " in BNC.

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1 I have meant to write to you a hundred times during the last three weeks but at all hours of the day I have been busied with teaching and beating and supervising footballings until when at last after all the animals were caged up and I at last had some peace , I have been too sad & too weary to write anything .
2 It cost pounds in 1946 , but when I at last got it , I could write underwater .
3 After I 'd kissed her goodbye I felt pretty happy because not only had I at last had an extremely enjoyable sexual experience , but I 'd also been able to give enjoyment .
4 Only as the cloverleaf began to appear as a grey shape in the otherwise black wall did I at last fall into a dream-wracked sleep .
5 He wrote : " I at last scarce ever went out and nothing occupied my thought but how to escape from this bloody country . "
6 Have you shipwrecked that crazy boat of yours at last ? "
7 His mouth closed over hers with the passion and glory she knew would never die and she melted into his impassioned embrace with a heart that was free to be his at last .
8 On July 25th , 1908 , the rails forced their way into Denwood , and those who had been waiting so long and patiently considered that the prizes were theirs at last .
9 But in the Japanese Empire she at last came up against an eastern power developing at a rate comparable to her own , and one capable of offering effective resistance .
10 So when those industrious fingers and wet lips finally arrived to caress her defenceless pudenda she at last found herself aroused .
11 He flung his head to one side and muttered something , his face was twisted up ; he pushed himself away and fell out through the entrance and on to his knees , and she sat down on the floor for her legs felt weak and the wounded one was throbbing painfully , and she crawled over to Sycorax and lay down beside her and sobbed hot , dry grief until she at last fell asleep .
12 Only when the water began to cool did she at last climb out and towel herself dry .
13 And it must have been the fever , Isabel decided a long time later , when she at last had time to sit down and rest .
14 ‘ Praise from you at last , Peregrine .
15 ‘ Got you at last , ’ the Headmaster said putting his hand on Endill 's shoulder .
16 They 've got you at last
17 They 've got you at last ! ’
18 " Ah , so I 've found you at last ! "
19 ‘ You must be Mr Sachs , what a pleasure it is to meet you at last . ’
20 ‘ We 've got some penicillin for you at last .
21 Anyway — now that I 've got you at last
22 That should it 's found you at last .
23 ‘ Well , old fellow in the cellarage , ’ she whispered lightly to herself , though the breath was shallow in her throat , ‘ it seems I must speak with you at last . ’
24 I 've found you at last ! ’ he cried .
25 ’ Thank goodness I 've got through to you at last .
26 ‘ Now that I have you at last you 'll never be away from me again . ’
27 It 's good to meet you at last .
28 I 'm pleased I 've managed to get hold of you at last .
29 I 've found you at last .
30 ‘ Paige , how lovely to meet you at last , ’ Rose McKenna pronounced warmly , holding out her hands so that Paige had to place hers in them , and was drawn down to have a kiss pressed to either cheek .
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