Example sentences of "[pers pn] do no " in BNC.

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1 I would love more people to be aware of the sometimes painfully beautiful music that Gál wrote , but ( and I do no injustice to his shade ) I would n't try to convince anyone of his stature on the basis of the music for mandolin and piano recorded here : it seems to have been composed for the sheer enjoyment of the players — well-tuned , amiable , and slightly unmemorable stuff .
2 I do no man any harm and perhaps may achieve a great good .
3 I do no productive work ; I never really go to art school .
4 I do no more than listen to them talking .
5 Fortunately it was the first class in English literature , so I did no more than introduce myself and give the reading assignment for the next week .
6 Street Ceremonies arose as a result of a recent trip to Mexico ; I did no painting while there , but relied upon my memory , trying to recall the things that really mattered such as street sounds .
7 I did no work that I can remember — I know I was considered hopeless by my teachers and I was quite ready to believe I was hopeless — I can quite well remember keeping mice at the back of the classroom and I can remember the smell .
8 I intend no harm to her if she 'd have left her squealings and I did no harm neither but to myself .
9 I did no such thing . ’
10 I did no such thing . ’
11 I did no such thing , ’ Marianne retorted fiercely .
12 I did no such thing ! ’
13 Ai n't you doing no more ?
14 Dr Marshall , who as a vegan eats no animal products , agreed that she had eaten in her room , but said that she did no cooking .
15 She does no harm , ’ Simon said , ‘ no harm at all . ’
16 Gauss 's law is valid , and afterwards we did no more than added the field due to the two charges .
17 We did no drama , music or practical science .
18 Hoping to get the answer that one of the first things we did no rising was to wash , I was a little disconcerted when my same little lady piped up ‘ weight ourselves ’ .
19 If , looking at the Mediterranean world from our Western and Northern viewpoint , we do no more than take note of the removal of North Africa from the scene of Latin Christianity , we shall scarcely have begun to come to grips with the size of the problem .
20 We do no harm . "
21 The failure to find trade outlets in a world dominated by the French , British , Belgian and Dutch colonial holdings led Germany to penetrate the Slav east — the Balkans in particular — but there , as in Prussia , they did no more than provoke Slav nationalism .
22 I had the impression they did no more than glance in as they passed , as Filmer was saying ‘ … when we get to Winnipeg . ’
23 Of course , he knew that the lasers did n't hurt ; you could n't see them and they did no harm by themselves , but he knew that they were another of the ways that they — the Tormentors — took points off him .
24 And then in the herring fishing time , oh it was very busy right enough , and you see they did they did no fish on a Sunday and they would come in on a Saturday night .
25 They did not need to overwork ; they did no more than they chose to do , and yet earned what they needed .
26 They did no damage but only left unmatched earrings in her bedroom .
27 Many of these insect-feeding birds have a line of bristles around their beaks which at one time were thought to channel weakly-flying insects into the open beak but now it seems more likely that they do no more than protect the birds ' eyes as they deliberately plunge through clouds of insects .
28 They do no more than show that the legislature has not shrunk , where it has seemed appropriate , from interfering in a greater or lesser degree with the immunities grouped under the title of the right to silence .
29 the way that bloody Mike sees , some of them do no work over there till he goes back .
30 Did it do no more than keep a subsistence economy running ?
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