Example sentences of "[pers pn] [num ord] and " in BNC.

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1 Chairman , my point of order , my point of order I second and I reserve my remarks I was waiting to see if you called me last .
2 Though I 'm worried about you first and foremost , of course . ’
3 You want your parents to come to you first and they want you to come to see them .
4 " No replied the fox , but they kill you first and count your balls afterwards " .
5 Cos she , she 'd gone to you first and she , and she came along , she said erm Ann 's not in , she said I 've come down to see you both .
6 He probably knows and can recommend the specialists concerned , but insist that you talk to them first and that any reports are addressed to you ( though copied to the solicitor ) .
7 Ignore the fact that they are holding you , and hit them first and fast .
8 Go and see them first and then you may have the audacity to contradict me , you stupid sluts .
9 Okay what I want you to do is to get twelve of them first and put them into see how many rectangles you could make .
10 The lips come last ; I outline them first and then fill in with a brush .
11 Is there not two separate problems that we have to find them first and then the , then worrying about getting people to the theatre
12 I , I 'll speak to them first and I 'll , I 'll er when , when , when you come back with some details I , I 'll let you know then .
13 I put them first and then I
14 I think I 'll talk to them first and if they 're agreeable then I 'll , I 'll , then I 'll pass them .
15 I think I 'd talk to them first and if they 're agreeable then I 'd give you their name and telephone number but I 'd have to speak to them first but I would n't just give out the name and telephone number on an ad hoc basis .
16 I think we ought to go and talk to them first and exp you know , put our side forward and if they do n't want to play then , then you have a solicitor .
17 but it was one man and they stuck to him , and they , they lived with them first and then they married .
18 They all will stick back on , it 's best to paint them first and then stick them on .
19 I dry them first and put them away
20 With a great big cans , you had to fill it with that molasses , and we had to pour this all over the grass and then , shorts , our shorts were cut off breeches you see because then we used to wear them first and we cut off them off to make shorts .
21 ‘ I pay cash on delivery for fish , which the fishermen like , so they always call on me first and we get super turbot , mussels , scallops , sole and plaice here . ’
22 Maybe she suspected I was being attacked … anyway , she nipped me first and then the dragoman .
23 He did me first and , as usual , stepped over my mattress to Brian , who suddenly snarled , ‘ Do n't you pull my leg , I 'm not an animal . ’
24 Oh it 's me first and I have n't even looked at it , I was so excited !
25 It was to him first and last a land full of Heroes .
26 His normal hygiene practices were established by the nurse who talked to him first and he was encouraged to continue with these .
27 Nora had seen him first and was already running far dear life , not caring about her bag or the bicycle .
28 He says he thought the passenger was then going to hit him so then he hit him first and er I think
29 Well maybe you could have a quick word with him first and I could give you a call and then erm
30 and if you 'd like to ring him first and
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