Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb infin] her " in BNC.

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1 Yeah I was gon na say , just let me smack her .
2 She lets me furl her around for a while , and makes those shammy gasps she knows I like , and gives detailed promise of all that cocked and candid talent — before she calls a halt , slithers off the bed , corrects her clothing , brushes her hair , changes her shoes , powders her nose , slides my Johnson out of her mouth and insists on lunch .
3 Something about her , some quality , some sign , had made them trust her .
4 How could I make her understand ?
5 Well , they say that remarks that they would feel were friendly remarks directed towards students they stop themselves from saying and examine and think if I say that will I make her feel uncomfortable ?
6 Could I spare her a bob or two to the end of the week ?
7 I must mention one member — Angela ( nee Feetenby ) — for her help to me has been second to none — not only do I congratulate her for that but on your behalf I want to wish her every happiness in her new life — she was married last July to Harry Bell .
8 ‘ If she may n't have a dram , ’ James said , ‘ What might I tempt her with ?
9 I told him about Charlotte and he said would I describe her , in the smallest detail that I could .
10 What can I buy her I said I do n't bloody know .
11 Do I know her ?
12 I feel I know her like a sister now — she 's younger than I am — but she never told me about the twins .
13 Who is that , do I know her ?
14 ‘ That person is here again , Miss Grenfell , she says she has slippers for you , shall I show her in for the fitting ? ’
15 But why should I expect her to change just because I have ? ’
16 ‘ Why should I send her to you ? ’
17 And if I did , why would I send her all the way down to Somerset to take you to a cricket match ? ’
18 Shall I send her in ? ’
19 Why do n't I fetch her to be our master 's wife ? "
20 Deardrie , should I give her a rocket , or just wait for a postcard ?
21 What medicine can I give her ?
22 How do I give her that sense ?
23 ‘ Can I give her a message ? ’ the woman asked .
24 Can I give her a message ?
25 Shall I give her a ring and ask her to fax it ?
26 " What do I give her now ? "
27 ‘ Can I give her a message ? ’
28 Yet I could I give her quite a few could n't
29 Shall I bring her in ? ’
30 Well , she 's walking around , shouting , I would say she was having a baby , shall I bring her in , I 'm sorry , I dropped the phone , bring her in , right , I 'll bring her in .
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