Example sentences of "[pers pn] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 So the , you know that thing I was showing you about , th finding them bones the other night ?
2 Tourists on the Riviera in the 1930's moved Beverly Nichols to desperation : ‘ Ye Gods the people ! ’ , he wrote , ‘ Drunken , debauched , heartless , of an incredible vulgarity — swooping , screaming , racketing . ’
3 Yes , I hope he is , she 's apparently , she 's erm a designer and the girl that makes it she designs the latest beautiful hats and I thought to myself if they 're those tall , biggest , you know those tall sort of round sort of like bowler hats ,
4 A humidifier keeps air moist and the Air Improvement Centre is offering SHE readers the electric Turmix 200 humidifier for the special price of £79 inc p&p until Nov 30 .
5 Jordan Oral Hygiene is offering SHE readers the chance to win a fortnight 's holiday for two adults and two children in wonderful Walt Disney World .
6 In this interview , said to have been carried out in Kurdistan last January , she outlines the difficulties in getting resources through .
7 Can I make a suggestion rather than re-numbering all those , its going to be quite a long job , is that from what I can see at the moment there is no reason why that ca n't be added on as a last sentence to nine anyway , cause nine says you records the outcome of the enquiry , .
8 She is looking for a dress for me and she is waiting to comb my hair , and she has the look on her face that she has when she guts the chickens .
9 The notion that the writing is meant to explain her work to others is supported by her use if the ‘ revolutionary ’ -to-evolutionary ’ tag which she first used in a letter to a friend ( in 1919 ) and then , quoting herself , she reemploys the phrase in her diary ( in 1920 , and again , in 1921 ) .
10 By fusing news broadcasts with traditional novelistic tropes , she foregrounds the conventionality of both discursive genres and points to the fact that they both rely on an assumption of verisimilitude which her flagrant transgressions of narrative ontology undermine .
11 It 's the response that matters , you can show them things the others ca n't follow .
12 Instead , he might be cursed with one who would rob him blind and charge him three-times the wages for the privilege .
13 The programme was transmitted on 7th October , and opened with the presenter Dennis Lotus saying : ‘ This is a transport depot , it garages the only tramcars still operating in the United Kingdom ’ .
14 He coins the term ‘ victimism ’ to label a community 's groans of discontent at a society that endlessly places the individual ahead of all else .
15 The right hon. Gentleman touches on an important matter , but he misrepresents the views of the Government and he misrepresents what I said .
16 Just as he privileges a particular mode of production ( focused on the bourgeois composer ) a particular kind of musical form ( integrated , self-generating ) and particular parameters of musical language ( those foregrounded by notation ) , so he privileges the concomitant mode of listening .
17 He loaths the Country , and his Fellow Swains ;
18 His nursery being fully stocked with flowering shrubs , of all sorts that can be pictured , with these he borders the outskirts of all his plantations and he continues , annually , raising from seed and layering , budding , grafting , that twenty thousand trees are hardly to be missed out of his nurseries .
19 He upturns the conventional view of law as a constraint on the people and argues that its proper purpose is to liberate the common people by confining ‘ the mighty ’ , among whom he includes both kings and parliaments .
20 Oh yeah , what oh yes , oh without a doubt Joan , er you can do it , you could have the name and you could have who talked to them and , and then I can tell 'em that what , I 've done this you see and that 'd be the end of it it does suggest that you do n't tell them before you tell them after and then you sort of give them the opp the opportunity of me knocking , not recording it you see , wiping it off the tape , because it stunts the conversation .
21 The material will succumb to whichever mechanism is the weaker ; if it yields before it cracks the material is ductile , if it cracks before it yields it is brittle .
22 He unties the bundle .
23 He hesitates as he unties the ropes .
24 He chops the heart to bits .
25 He outlines the qualitites to look for in a printer and explains how best to get the results you require .
26 But what is more important is that it outlines the links between casual work and the formal economy , setting these out in terms of declining significance .
27 A title in the ‘ guide to the literature ’ mode , since it outlines the structure of the subject literature and gives examples , but does not attempt comprehensive listings of works , For students of librarianship , rather than for stock revision .
28 In its newly launched Campaign for Safe Meat , it outlines the following standards :
29 The Society of London Art Dealers ( SLAD ) has just issued its diamond jubilee yearbook where it outlines the conditions and terms of sale which it recommends to its members .
30 This leaflet is intended to make it easy for you to comment on our service and it outlines the procedures which are available to you .
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