Example sentences of "[noun pl] to make such " in BNC.

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1 Looseknit networks are hard to deal with chiefly because a multi-valued speaker variable like social network involves comparing speakers who differ from each other in certain respects — let us say in respect of the multiplexity of the ties which they have contracted at the workplace — but are still similar enough to each other in other related respects to make such a comparison meaningful .
2 Finally , they have default powers to make such orders themselves if they think that an order is necessary to prevent ‘ material prejudice ’ to an approved structure plan .
3 Parents are within their rights to make such a decision : apart from anything else it is their child and they own the problem .
4 It is important , therefore , that there be sufficiently well-defined pragmatic principles and structures to make such functional explanations precise and testable .
5 They also offer relatively modest time allocations for practical and prevocational subjects in upper primary classes , a feature which may reflect a lack of real conviction by syllabus panels to respond to the political creed that such studies are necessary and profitable for primary level children , but may also be born of a firm realistic assessment of the lack of money and materials to make such studies workable .
6 Coun Williams replied that he had always said the money was from an insurance payout , adding : ‘ It is very easy for the Liberal Democrat councillors to make such statements .
7 I think it is open to the justices to make such an order , if they think it is appropriate , though it would be ill-advised in most cases .
8 It was the prospect of finding gold that induced these excited men to make such frantic efforts to open out the barrow ’ .
9 One hopes they come forward in sufficient numbers to make such an item available to all ecologically minded funeral-arrangers before too long .
10 It is not for us to decide whether or not a book is racist or obscene or seditious ; society has laid down laws to make such judgments and has conferred upon statutory bodies the power to advise and assess on such matters — however imperfect or fickle such institutions may appear in their assessments .
11 Pacepa was not the first defector from the world of Soviet bloc secret services to make such a claim .
12 There should be free access to all courts within the jurisdiction and to legal services to make such access effective , including access to assistance which avoids the need to resort to litigation .
13 The existence of technological spillovers and positive pecuniary externalities create incentives to make such ventures as inclusive as possible .
14 to provide particular help to people with a disability to take advantage of work and training opportunities and to help and encourage employers to make such opportunities available ;
15 To provide particular assistance to people with a disability to take advantage of work and training opportunities ; and to help and encourage employers to make such opportunities available .
16 That he has used his linguistic skills to make such a protest , where before he has been content merely with linguistic cleverness , marks an important development in his character and it leaves the reader with a distinctly more favourable impression of him at the end of the play than at the beginning .
17 It then had to be left to his governors and his staff colleagues to make such use as they could of any combination of qualities which he revealed .
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