Example sentences of "[noun pl] away [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The wind carried the shouts of the guards away from us so that they sounded like the shouts of men drowning .
2 Thiercelin held the polished curves of her shoulders away from him and looked into her face .
3 He eased his broad shoulders away from it and strolled slowly towards her , a faint , confident smile playing about his lips .
4 The most notable thing about the Rough Wooing is not that in the end the savagery of the English attack drove the Scots away from the new idea of friendship with England and back into the arms of their natural and ancient allies , the French .
5 By the late 1920s when it became possible to send cars away to Hendon for a thorough overhaul , they were all in really tired condition .
6 The last few miles to Ealing were covered in a jerking crawl which took more than an hour , and daylight was breaking down into darkness as Alison gave directions through the maze of streets and parked cars away from the main shopping area .
7 You do n't want to lock your pictures away in a vault , so you make a vault of the room they 're in .
8 MERSEYSIDE 'S most famous window cleaner puts his ladders away on Friday evenings … and looks forward to Saturday Afternoon Fever .
9 That should keep intruders away for long enough .
10 Some keep them in shoeboxes away from the light ,
11 Many , of course , had brothers or older friends in the Rowdies group and had already had some experience of ‘ hanging around ’ with them in other social arenas away from the terraces .
12 Thus in the same building as the photographs of SS officers selecting the Jews on the ramps of Birkenau are news pictures of British paratroopers ordering the concentration camp survivors away from postwar Palestine .
13 First there is a vibrating belt , which bounces the lightweight shells away from the heavier nuts .
14 In other words , they 're taking a lot of the task that used to be given to manufacturers away from them and so manufacturers today are not by and large so concerned with manufacturing brands which are their own and will sit on retailers ' shelves as with providing a product for a retailer who wants to construct his own brand .
15 Push a couple of catches , the screen lifts up , the bottom tilts away from you and the whole lot clicks into position .
16 So , though the place was as ill-furnished as it was ill-lit , they hung around there , putting books away in lockers , glancing at newspapers , knocking out their pipes or whipping through the odd bits of marking .
17 Quiss clawed at the wall , tearing the faded , yellowing books away from it , throwing them behind him like a dog digging a hole in the sand , bellowing incoherently and tearing and swiping at the wall , baring the green-black slate beneath as the torn , ripped pages fluttered away behind him falling to the grimy glass floor like some flat , grubby snow .
18 The river immediately floated my free legs away as if it would have them , and I had to grab the wire fiercely to avoid going with the current .
19 My insomnia became chronic whenever Dana stayed the night , simply because I could not take my eyes away from his sleeping form beneath the bedside lamps .
20 But the room was warm , brightly lit and by no means uncomfortable so long as you kept your eyes away from the map-like stains on the rancid blue walls or the cigarette ends and other scraps on the floor .
21 Without moving his eyes away from her dark head he oscillated between the image of the pure lady accepting the spoon , or at least the rose , and the idea of her calling out in a thrashing orgasm of female pleasure as he spurted and spurted in ecstatic triumph on top of her .
22 Yes , I did get the name of the company and the guitar — Washburn Mercury — but once I 'd dragged my eyes away from the damsel 's cleavage , the questions started .
23 She dragged her eyes away from D'Arcy , pulling her robe closed .
24 It 's hard to keep your eyes away from documents people beside you are reading on the train , especially when they are X/Open Co Ltd internal memoranda : the one seen by a Unigram.X spy at Lewisham , South London last week promised in its first paragraph ‘ a 0% payrise ’ for unfortunate X/Open employees .
25 Evening after evening Father McGiff sat at his desk , ashamed of his indulgence , upbraiding himself for his inability to drag his eyes away from the window which , like some perverse crystal ball , conjured up only ghosts of the past instead of promises of the future .
26 Ace remained silent for a moment , unable to tear her eyes away from Richmann .
27 I released her fingers but I could n't drag my eyes away from the gleam of gold as it winked tantalisingly at me .
28 She blinked her eyes away from that steady , searching appraisal , panic tugging at the back of her mind .
29 Dorian Gray never took his eyes away from Lord Henry .
30 But Dorian Gray never took his eyes away from Lord Henry .
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