Example sentences of "[noun pl] never [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They were pioneers , simply because the Massaliotes never made any effort to know their neighbours .
2 I had to read it , a little of it , and if listeners never hear any good of themselves , then the little which I read shamed me forever .
3 This forming and re-forming of pictures never loses its serenity .
4 It will include private pictures never seen before — some of them shown exclusively here — sound tapes never previously heard in public and shots taken from 30 hours of film footage from Elvis 's home movies , showing him in intimate off-duty moments .
5 Indeed , the creative and performing arts never seem to have become entirely integrated into the system — they do not quite fit standard CNAA validation procedures for example — and this is perhaps no bad thing .
6 I 'll leave you to your fate , but I warn you , tame dragons never come to any good .
7 On the Grimm , dark side of the fairytale hides an aspect the fawning fans never see .
8 Yet in the interstices of the personal accounts , the authors never lose sight of the political issues which underpin the problems : the relationships between rich and poor , women and men , North and South .
9 a careful reading of this study ( Carr-Hill and Stern ) shows that the authors never carried out the test in question … but instead test the contribution of unemployment to explaining the number of police per capita in each area .
10 Yet it may have consequences that its authors never dreamed of .
11 No — the manufacturers never believe in their wildest dreams that you 'd ever want to remove their product ; it 's far too wonderful .
12 again after the war , in this country , they erm , the lighting manufacturers never got round to it , there are too many er , there 's , there was too much call for er lighting in offices , shops , schools and that sort of thing and er , so a lot of the idea did come from abroad at first , the er Fin
13 These shops never change in here do they ?
14 But his eyes never left the four men before him .
15 Delaney 's eyes never left those of the man as cautiously he tried again .
16 He let the words sink , and he wrote sharply , and his eyes never left the boy .
17 Her eyes never left his , the woman 's , and she did not a damn thing to cross her legs or put her hands across her breasts .
18 Her hand was in Mansel 's , and their two hands lay in her lap : her beautiful head was bowed , and her eyes never left the eyes of the man she loved .
19 Ben 's eyes never left the teacher 's face .
20 Her eyes never left him .
21 But his eyes never left her distant , shadowed figure , seeing at once how slowly she moved , how awkwardly , hobbling down the steps one by one , stopping time and again to rest , her whole body crooked , one hand clutching the side rail tightly , as if she 'd fall without it .
22 Bissell 's eyes never left Rohmer as he spoke , and Rohmer knew what the thing meant when it said it would n't talk to Gilbert anymore .
23 ‘ Your eyes never left me in the hall .
24 And all the time , his eyes never left her .
25 All this time , the Judge 's eyes never left Moore 's .
26 Lady Usk 's eyes never left hers .
27 But Izzie 's black eyes never left the scarred , distant hillsides .
28 Her eyes never left his face .
29 ‘ Ca n't place her , ’ said Carol , but the piggy eyes never left the joint .
30 But her eyes never left his face , and he turned from her and marched from the room .
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