Example sentences of "[noun pl] over time " in BNC.

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1 The second part of the programme uses the data to analyse changes in the performance of secondary schools over time , with special attention to the effects of comprehensive reorganisation and of rising youth unemployment .
2 Weick ( 1985 ) says that , because people persist in simplifying the world , they do not see the differentiations between organizations and within organizations over time .
3 The system of inheritance in rural communities is important , not only in shaping personal relationships within the household and among kinfolk , but also in reproducing property relationships over time .
4 One of the major difficulties identified by Whitbeck and Kisor was the need to continually reset the model parameters over time .
5 While perhaps improving the democratic process this redistricting procedure does mean that comparisons between electoral districts over time is difficult , since the boundaries of the units are not constant from one decade to the next .
6 We require to clarify any inherent pattern that might be present in the variation of imports over time .
7 Scotland has historically collected more comprehensive data and the Scottish Educational Data Archive at the University of Edinburgh permits comprehensive analyses over time of the characteristics of Scottish school leavers entering HE .
8 The programme tests the stability of school effects over time , and considers to what extent they are related to measured differences in processes within schools or resource inputs to schools .
9 Their interest is focused upon revealed changes in integration effects over time , as indicated by a domestic share of apparent domestic consumption ( p-x ) , a partner share of apparent domestic consumption ( Mp ) , and a rest of the world share of apparent domestic consumption ( Mrow ) .
10 In addition , other legal principles are laid down by the decisions of judges over time , or proclaimed in legislation .
11 However , even when legal principles are committed to one constitutional document , set out in legal codes or reiterated by judges over time , they tend to remain highly ambiguous and not worth the paper they are printed on until somebody — the judiciary — interprets and defers to them in their judgments , and somebody else — the executive — enforces those judgments .
12 One possibility for the decrease in antral carcinomas over time is a decrease in H pylori infection and hence a fall in the prevalence of chronic gastritis .
13 Flexible so that it can take account of changing family circumstances over time .
14 This finding argues for alternative programmes and measures for application among countries and within countries over time .
15 Beyond the unities of the present moment , there are unities over time .
16 Events such as the extension of the franchise , the seizure of power by working-class parties , the fractionated and conflictual basis of state institutions , the crucial mediating role played by state bureaucracy , the higher material and social benefits granted to the working class and , perhaps most importantly , the fact that the forms of political representation and state intervention in different countries have shown remarkable dissimilarities over time and space , have all been difficult to accommodate within Marx 's and Engels 's original formulation about the nature of power in capitalist societies .
17 Recall that the experience-curve theory says that the ability to learn is directly related to the accumulated production experience and that it is possible for a company to reduce total costs over time by a careful introduction of new management and production processes ( see Abernathy and Wayne , 1974 , and Dutton and Thomas , 1984 , for careful assessments of this claim ) .
18 Alternatively , they are organizations originally created for a non-political purpose ( for example the British Medical Association was originally formed to circulate medical and scientific information to doctors ) which have acquired political purposes over time .
19 Working with district health authorities they may offer some new solutions to longstanding problems , give greater priority to local need , and enable the development of services with the capacity to respond to changing needs over time .
20 Because as my needs change , so this happens to be a flexible system , and you can adapt it to your own particular needs over time .
21 This refers to the conditions which work to maintain the cohesion of classes over time , from one generation to the next .
22 In order to engage in comparisons over time we were faced with a dilemma stemming from the change in the range of newspapers over this period .
23 In our comparisons over time we necessarily are restricted to press reporting of rape trials , but in the analysis of the mid-1980s the study is much broader .
24 Comparisons over time .
25 The choice of 1985/6 , rather than a more recent period , is deliberate , since the comparisons over time made later in this chapter would be precluded by the discontinuity introduced for 1986/7 , through the dismantling of the major Metropolitan Authorities , such as the GLC .
26 There is a very large and sophisticated literature on the various measures that could be used to summarize economic inequality and make comparisons over time within one country and between countries ( see Sen 1973 and Jenkins 1991 ) .
27 Erm , having said that , I think lecturers tend to accumulate these things over time and this is the first year I 've run this course so I do n't have a great stock of things I can I can show you .
28 If is constant over time , then the expectations or forecasts about future dividends in ( 6.9 ) are really expectations or forecasts about future earnings in ( 6.20 ) , and in particular about the growth rate of those earnings over time .
29 Similarly worded questions over time have to take account of changes in the topics under question .
30 A third dimension that we also need to be aware of is the development of organisational structures over time .
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