Example sentences of "[noun pl] into [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But we 've got to start sort of transmitting those performances into points in the league quickly .
2 She had to translate one or two words into Italian .
3 Nevertheless , skaldic verses are usually taken as authentic works of the poets to whom they are attributed , although their original order is frequently unclear , and manuscript variations sometimes call the correct reading of individual words into question .
4 We have moved away from daily table chanting and spelling tests , when the mastery of English involved little more than fitting appropriate words into gaps in simple sentences , when reading was learned parrot fashion from a primer .
5 Harvey split the words into syllables and made each syllable a step in his dance , then he changed the accents round and danced the same remark again .
6 Can you put the following condensed words into sentences ?
7 Thus it includes both lexical choice — choice of words from the vocabulary of the language — and the grammatical choices involved in combining these words into sentences .
8 I pulled the sheet over my head and tried not to piece their words into sentences I would not want to hear .
9 Through the interplay of these voices de Man can disguise the extent of his own intervention and , like the ventriloquist , put words into Rousseau 's mouth .
10 The business of turning words into type by this method sounds cumbersome and outdated .
11 His hold on her arm tightened , preventing her from turning her words into actions .
12 Instead of Bible teaching , he ought to be translating fine words into deeds .
13 However , we shall adhere to the view ( treated more fully in Appendix A ) that there are no good grounds for supposing that systems designed to model relationships in external worlds will give us any insight into the syntagmatic links used by human syntax when it joins words into phrases and sentences .
14 In the old ‘ hot metal ’ system , ‘ comps ’ turned the words into metal type by one of three processes , depending on the type size and design ( or ‘ fount ’ ) required .
15 But the function of to be , surely , is not to supply logically independent existence predicates , but to help turn other words into predicates .
16 Another ethical aspect of the passage of words into pictures is that of filming permissions .
17 The impact of LMS has yet to be felt , and attention is still fixated on the flow of central documentation and regulation : curriculum managers ' prime concerns remain those of translating words into classroom reality .
18 Beecher was the prototype of the ‘ political parson ’ and put some of his words into action , or rather , equipped others to do so .
19 This year we 'll see whether they turn words into action . ’
20 Although he had defied her before , it had only been in words but now the thought that he had the choice of putting those words into action and so set a new pattern , and in doing so break one of the threads that tied him to her , caused his whole body to tremble and his voice to quiver as he said , ‘ Either you give me permission freely to go with Mick tomorrow or I go down now and put it to Martin . ’
21 Participants at the Manila consultation stressed the need to put their words into action .
22 She did n't doubt he was quite capable of putting his words into action .
23 However , if the tribunal had implied similar words into Sec 24 it is difficult to see why it found the reason for the dismissal was , in fact , ‘ some other substantial reason ’ , viz , the conviction .
24 As in the Court of Appeal , the defence argument was primarily directed towards implying words into section 1(1) , a difficult task at best , and only secondarily towards the meaning of ‘ appropriates : ’ see p. 631a .
25 Here again ( understandably , since Reg. v. Lawrence was a decision of this House ) the misconceived argument and refutation , which were related to the possibility of implying words into section 1(1) , took precedence .
26 Given the wild variability of verbal reports in apparently similar circumstances even when aided by gadgets and gimmicks to translate the words into numbers , there has been an elaborate ongoing search for ‘ reliable ’ , ‘ objective ’ non-verbal measures .
27 So the original word was made flesh , turned into words and the computer can turn the words into guesses at the Origin of the Word .
28 ( The mali had a unique way of turning simple English words into Hindi or Urdu equivalents : the clay tubs in which he planted his flowers became fellah-i-puts , seedlings were Sid-ud-Dins , while my favourite flower — the hollyhock — became a holi-ul-haq .
29 The Laureate plunges into Eliade , he flirts with Wrestling Jacob and the Grail , he is in love with the idea of ideas , but he does not appear to grasp how organised research should be carried out .
30 The most reckless Squig Hunters even ride Squigs into battle , grabbing hold of the Squig 's tiny horns or ears , and bouncing along as the Squig leaps about .
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