Example sentences of "[noun pl] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If he 's finished you 'd think he 'd have the manners not to leave the table in such a mess , ’ the girls would grumble ; but they or Rose would always put his books away .
2 ‘ Yes , ’ she agreed without elaborating , because although it was true it was n't entirely the truth , and she hoped he would have the good manners not to probe further .
3 It 's thought bad manners not to offer a visitor a night of passion after tramping round the icy far north .
4 Among the subjects the report would like to see companies publish in their annual reports are details on environmental policy ; environmental objectives ; information on action taken and the costs of passing environmental objectives ; compliance with regulations ; significant environmental risks not disclosed as contingent liabilities ; and key features of external audit reports on the enterprise 's environmental activities .
5 The term " trade description " is defined comprehensively in s2(1) as follows : A trade description is an indication , direct or indirect , and by whatever means given , of any of the following matters with regard to any goods or part of goods , that is to say , ( a ) quantity , size of gauge ; ( b ) method of manufacture , production , processing or reconditioning ; ( c ) composition ; ( d ) fitness of purpose , strength , performance , behaviour or accuracy ; ( e ) any physical characteristics not included in the preceding paragraphs ; ( f ) testing by any person and results thereof ; ( g ) approval by any person or conformity with a type approved by any person ; ( h ) place or date of manufacture , production , processing or reconditioning ; ( i ) person by whom manufactured , produced , processed or reconditioned ; ( j ) other history , including previous ownership or use .
6 However , there are difficulties with latent defects , for example , characteristics not known to be harmful at the time of delivery , or immunities to harmful substances being subsequently discovered .
7 Back in those hours I had remained a long time outside the door of North One , being filled by a sorrow so complete it overflowed , and I covered my ears not to hear any more .
8 There is strong lobbying pressure for the governments that control portions of the polar ice caps not to build settlements there .
9 It was a disappointment for his many fans not to see him in action .
10 Both goals were examples of calm finishing by the winger who is pleading with White Hart Lane fans not to label him ‘ Dazza ’ .
11 Plumage , except adult Egyptian Vulture , various shades of brown ; often with a neck ruff and legs not feathered below ‘ knee ’ ( except Lammergeier ) .
12 Distinguished from young Partridge ( p. 103 ) by buff streaks on head , no chestnut in tail and male 's blackish ( rarely rufous ) throat markings ; from Andalusian Hemipode ( p. 110 ) by buff not orange breast and flanks streaked not spotted ; and from Corncrake ( p. 115 ) in flight by legs not dangling and no chestnut in wings .
13 Survivors not treated with acyclovir often report significant neurological deterioration over the years after the acute onset of infection .
14 Certain men — husbands not excepted — seemed drawn like a magnet to a female in her circumstances .
15 This is the most spectacular section of the Dee , its steep confining walls fringed by dense woodlands and its rocky bed much too rough for the passage of walkers not addicted to hard labour and who have respect for their clothes .
16 These could presumably include methods not involving the use of letters rogatory at all , though given the legal traditions of the region such radicalism seems unlikely .
17 Although God specifically warned Job 's comforters not to postulate his sins as the cause of his sufferings , the Middle Ages preferred , like most ages , to ignore what God said .
18 Erm , by having know that the land grows the weeds and no pesticides not disturbed , there 's no shooting , they 're never shot around here , the birds can come in sheltered , you know , they , they 're just like a little nature reserve , protected area , game park you know , nothing shot at just left and er they like it obviously , I mean it 's like anything once it learns that er it 's gon na be left alone it comes again and again .
19 In the main survey ( Appendix 1 , comments on Table 24 ; and more detailed cross-tabulations not included in Appendix ) , only three per cent of those who had recently bought on credit had had any problems with their credit arrangement , after buying ( nearly half the problems were difficulties over paying , and problems which people thought were the fault of the credit firm were very rare indeed ) .
20 And additional cross-tabulations not included in Appendix I showed that two per cent of those buying for cash said that this was because they thought they probably would n't be able to get credit .
21 The only other significant variation among different groups which the cross-tabulations not included in the Appendix showed up was that people without bank accounts were more likely than people with them to say that credit cards would be difficult to arrange .
22 The numbers involved ( in detailed cross-tabulations not reproduced in Appendix I ) were too small for us to be sure about this .
23 Joshua Dogonyaro , reported that Monrovia free port was now open for the delivery of urgently needed relief supplies , but he warned relief organizations not to use Buchanan port , 75 km to the south-east .
24 A perception can arise , particularly in those organizations not accustomed to regular meetings , of personal status being reduced by not being invited to certain meetings .
25 Glen will also feature in other material , including some songs not heard here before .
26 There was keen competition to obtain the Cpp ticket , and many would-be candidates not selected stood as ‘ rebels ’ : altogether there were 323 candidates for the 104 seats .
27 The prospect of their victory has prompted the federal judge overseeing the school-desegregation plan publicly to warn the candidates not to make promises he will not allow them to keep .
28 Among such factions as may exist in a constituency party one is likely to be dominant , and to imagine that it would consent to the nomination of candidates not numbered among its adherents is scarcely realistic .
29 Waves singly scattered by substrate atoms and all the multiply scattered waves not involving the adatom are not included here , as they go to integral-order beam positions .
30 He had overheard his uncle warning the two maid-servants not to go up there because it was too dangerous .
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