Example sentences of "[noun pl] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Presents from returning travellers or presents for your hostess are as much a sign of manners to the hareem as they are to us .
2 Lesley turned smartly left as the lights changed , and wound her way by back-streets to the parking-ground on the edge of the shopping centre , a multi-storey monstrosity of raw concrete , at which she gazed with resigned distaste as she crept slowly up to the barrier and drove in to the second tier .
3 For each of us , keeping our risks to a minimum is dependent on what we do and not how we identify ourselves .
4 They may , of course , be wrong , and will then lose money , but market research is supposed to reduce the financial risks to a minimum .
5 Such common risks to the interests and values they all share still give the allies plenty to fret about collectively .
6 They are not foolproof ; they carry additional risks to the health of the child ; and are capable of detecting only certain types of handicap , at present mainly chromosomal disorders and malformations of the central nervous system which give rise to spina bifida ( now largely a physical rather than mental handicap ) and hydrocephalus .
7 This is not only because of the risks to the health of the attempters and the distress to families and friends , but also because of the implications for the health services in terms of use of limited resources .
8 In addition , derelict land was , until recently , being created faster than it could be reclaimed , Although there are areas of derelict land that should be retained for some of the reasons given by John Gordon , and research sponsored by the Department of the Environment has sought to identify these for appropriate use , there are still far larger areas that , due to the many constraints of the substrates that need to be overcome , are eyesores , health hazards and potential lethal risks to the communities that have to live surrounded by them .
9 In particular , it is important that the reasons for continuing a difficult diet ( which includes expensive phenylalanine free protein substitute and other special food products , biochemical monitoring , and experienced dietetic advice ) are clearly understood in terms of the neurological risks to the patient .
10 Risks to the fetus increase slightly after 42 weeks ’ gestation but women having labour induced are more likely to have instrumental deliveries or babies with low Apgar scores .
11 If the point of inducing labour is to reduce risks to the neonate then it may be failing .
12 Some restrictive measures require very careful consideration so that they do not cause increased health risks to the public .
13 However , once the licence to sink an exploratory well was awarded to the Hamilton Oil Company , we tried to ensure that it honoured the conditions attached to the licence , prepared an adequate oil spill contingency plan and designed an operational programme which minimised the risks to the environment .
14 All major investment projects under construction or planned would be reconsidered in the light of possible risks to the environment .
15 The defence doctrine pointed out the risks to the country posed by regional conflicts in the former Soviet Union .
16 Risks to the health and safety of people include personal injury and in the extreme , loss of life .
17 Risks to the environment include pollution , damage to flora and fauna ( plants and animals ) and soil erosion .
18 Risks to the activity include damage to equipment , loss of output , resultant contractual delays and penalties .
19 For women , this again means another medical reason for interference in our fertility and pregnancy , and it also begs questions about risks to the resulting children , and the ethics of having scientists make such profound changes to human beings .
20 The government , whilst expressing concern about the risks to the UN International Maritime Organisation , have said that tankers can not be banned from the area as captains must have the option of using the route in rough seas .
21 Safety standards for future nuclear power stations should be set so that risks to the public are ten times smaller than the danger of a road accident , according to new proposals published by the Health and Safety Executive ( HSE ) , the British industrial safety regulatory body .
22 Cases may be considered exceptionally grave , important or complex , in particular , because : ( i ) of complicated or conflicting evidence about risks to the child 's physical or moral well-being or about other matters relating to the child 's welfare ; ( ii ) a large number of parties are involved ; ( iii ) there is a conflict with the law of another jurisdiction ; ( iv ) there is a difficult or novel point of law involved ; ( v ) there is a question of general public interest .
23 7.3.3 against damage or destruction by the Insured Risks to the extent that such insurance may ordinarily be arranged for properties such as the Centre with an insurer of repute and subject to such excesses exclusions or limitations as the insurer may require It may be advisable to provide that the insurer should have principal offices in the United Kingdom , but this is no guarantee that the insurer will not succumb to liquidation or contest claims , and one wonders whether this would find favour with our European partners .
24 7.3.3 against damage or destruction by the Insured Risks to the extent that such insurance may ordinarily be arranged for properties such as the Centre with an insurer of repute and subject to such excesses exclusions or limitations as the insurer may reasonably require
25 Now we find in fact for the levels radiation that used , the risks to the individual patients are very very low indeed er generally less than one in a thousand chance of some adverse effect .
26 Edward Hudson of Country Life enlisted her services in making that periodical the exponent of culture and the arts to a wide public .
27 Arts Council officers are understood to be considering changing the practice of handing out separate information about the arts to the different political party conferences .
28 Liberal Democrats will raise investment in the arts to the EC average over five years .
29 The newly appointed Minister for National Heritage , David Mellor , ( left ) presents a £50,000 cheque on behalf of the Foundation for Sport and the Arts to the new president of the Lord 's Taverners , Leslie Crowther , at the charity 's St George 's Day concert at the Royal Festival Hall .
30 In the US , the arts briefly hit the headlines when President Bush unedifyingly threw the Head of the National Endowment for the Arts to the wolves of the right–wing electorate because the NEA had sponsored some difficult , and , in particular , sexually explicit arts projects in recent years .
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