Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Still , I must say I 'm taken with yer nice manners and everything . ’
2 Editors are one thing with their charming manners and their bunches of flowers , but their minions , the hard men , the pack , the exposers , are quite another .
3 Give him a nice straightforward GBH case in the back streets of the Cumbermound development any day rather than these smartarse church intellectuals with their fancy words and their finicky manners and their too high opinions of themselves .
4 ‘ Perhaps people are being nave , ’ says Simon Muggleton , ‘ but these guys have the patter and the manners and they can be very convincing .
5 When you are born you are an uncivilised little savage with bad habits and no manners and it is the job of the GIANTS ( your parents and your teachers ) to train you and discipline you .
6 Perhaps it was his manners and his words .
7 After planting they quickly build up into permanent perennial clumps and nothing looks finer in summer than to see them planted in association with a garden pool or other water garden feature .
8 The principle of " guilt by association " was introduced ; people who had once been members of the Communist Party or a group sympathetic to that party , however long before , were smeared as security risks and their careers ruined .
9 Similarly foreign-exchange and political risks and their relationship to required returns on investment need a proper evaluation as determinants of market attractiveness .
10 However , hillwalking is largely safe but there are risks and we have to educate people about these risks if we are going to improve safety .
11 The concept of structure also has its risks and its dangers , even though it appears to be based on the idea of relations as opposed to entities or determining origins ( as we saw above in the discussion of the Prague School ) .
12 They have , sensibly , realised that the benefits from proceeding with caution outweigh the risks and there is no case for banning the practice outright .
13 ‘ I take risks , but they 're calculated risks and I would n't take them if I did n't think they had a good chance of succeeding .
14 Take just a few more risks and you 'll find that the wild world is not as unkind as you may have believed .
15 Sure I went to the Arts and everything and stuff .
16 Labour 's Ministry for the Arts and Media will encourage Britain 's arts and their associated industries , including broadcasting and the press , to develop new ideas and attract more people .
17 The case for subsidy , to override or protect from the market , is characteristically made in terms of the received arts and their received forms .
18 The department offers a wide variety of degrees : honours in Fine Art in which half the student 's time is devoted to practical art ; honours in the History of Art which studies the subject as an academic discipline like English Literature or History , involving no practical work but stressing the relationship between the study of the arts and their practice ; and a variety of joint degrees such as those with French or Italian .
19 Her father , Paul Phipps , was an architect , also of American parentage , who influenced his daughter 's love of music and the arts and her abiding faith in the Church of Christian Science .
20 They probably would n't serve me anyway ; little rich girl on the hill , her friends ‘ dabble ’ in the arts and they do n't take smack and neither does she , really , except on weekends .
21 Next week I shall be talking to Peter Abbs about teaching the arts and he will be reading some very interesting children 's poetry .
22 But then that question was asked last night erm from one chap about sport versus the arts and I suppose to me it is a quality of life issue erm where do you start an and stop I mean you have a problem when you have a recession do n't you , where you say okay we i we are in a recession we have got limited resources we have to make decisions .
23 Follow South East Arts and you will be able to help judge these competitions next year , and if you 're enterprising enough yourself in nineteen eighty three , you may even qualify for an award yourself .
24 In the morning I went with Dr Viola to the Academy of Arts and there met Professor Dachauer .
25 It could be , of course , that these are the only people interested in the arts and it is a waste of time trying to increase the proportion of the modern equivalent of the footman of nice morality .
26 I 'm going to tell you a little bit this morning about South East Arts and it 's support for the visual arts in the South East here .
27 It 's traditional at the Cambridge Arts and our review is given extra impetus by an equally blue send-up of the pantomime , performed for our benefit by the crew .
28 It would obtain to the person who had gone out and not to his heirs and successors and it would involve his going out and someone else taking on his land .
29 Other fish live in small water bodies , which are influenced by heavy rainfall and drought , which considerably affect the water 's characteristics and they are more tolerant .
30 But it is also possible and not less agreeable to regard it as the gradual assumption by all the nations concerned of that larger sovereignty which can alone protect their diverse and distinctive customs and characteristics and their national traditions . ’
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